To block or to unlock persons in Google Drive It is quite useful, on many occasions we may not want them to share things with us and that is why we decided to block that person. Maybe you regretted it or this was only temporary and then you want to unlock it. Today we are going to show you how easy it is to do this.

In the same way that we can prevent spam on Google, we can also block annoying people or unblock them in case it was a mistake. Once the person is blocked, they cannot communicate with us, in any Google service.

Block a person in Google Drive from the web.

To start, we will have to go to website from Google Drive and right-click on the file or folder shared with us. All the files that we have shared are in the “Shared with me” section in the left sidebar.

How to Block People Drive

A new menu is displayed where we will have to choose “Block (email address)”.

Confirm block person.

A pop-up window will appear and we will simply have to confirm the action by clicking on “Block”. After blocking that person, you will no longer be able to interact with that person on any Google product.

Unblock someone in Drive from the web

In case we want to unblock a person, then we will have to click on our profile photo in the upper right corner and we will have to choose “Manage your Google account”.

Manage Google Drive account.

Now we will have to go to the left sidebar where it says “People and sharing” and then we will click on the option that says “Blocked” in the “Contacts” section.

Unlock from PC.

Next, we’re going to look at all of the ones we’ve blocked so far. We will have to click on the “X” that is on the right side of the person who we want to unlock. In this way the person can continue to share things with us through Drive and other Google services.

Block someone from a mobile device

In case we want to do it from a mobile device, we will have to press on the three vertical dots next to the name of a file or folder to be able to display the options menu. In this menu we will press “Block (email address)”.

Block someone on Google Drive from mobile.

A pop-up window will appear asking us to confirm the action. To confirm it, we simply press “Block” again.

How to download a person from iOS or Android

In case we want to unblock a person from the mobile device. We will have to go to our profile photo in the upper right corner of Drive and choose “Manage your Google account.” Next, we will have to switch to the “People and sharing” tab and click on the “Blocked” option in the “Contacts” section to see the list of people we have blocked.

Unlock a person in Drive.

Once we see the list, we will simply have to click on the “X” that is on the right side of the person we want to unlock and that’s it; we will be able to interact with that person again.

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