• Adjusting images to slides in PowerPoint is key to making your results aesthetic
  • There are at least three ways to do it, plus a fourth that might eventually help you.
  • What are the steps to follow in each one, and how to ensure that they are perfect?

Bearing in mind that there may come a time when you want to include photos or large images within them, knowing how to fit images to slides in PowerPoint will allow you to incorporate large files into your presentations and thus give them a different touch to what others can teach.

The fact is that we often find ourselves having problems getting a good-sized image or photograph to fit correctly on a PowerPoint slide and, therefore, it is essential to know how to adjust it to them.

The good news we have to give you is that not only are there several ways to do it, but they all work. It will be up to you, then, to choose the one that best meets your needs in each situation, and put it into practice.

How to fit images to slides in PowerPoint?

Fitting images to slides in PowerPoint can be done in a number of ways, and here are a few of them. Absolutely all of them work, so evaluate each procedure very well to choose the most convenient one.

Crop and resize selected image

The easiest way to put a large photo on a slide it is with crop and resize function. If you are not sure how to do this, do not worry because we are going to teach you all the details about it.

  • Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation or open an old presentation
  • Go to the slide you are going to work on and click Insert
  • Select Images and how you want to add that file

Once the image is added, you will be able to drag it from the sides to trim it to its ideal size.

Make use of animation effects

There are more techniques you should consider if an image is larger than it should be in PowerPoint.

  • Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation or open an old presentation
  • Go to the slide you are going to work on and click Insert
  • Select Images and how you want to add that file
  • Added, go to Animations, Add animation, Increase/Decrease
  • Put the information to optimize the animation, making the image smaller

With these animations, reducing the dimensions of photos or images is not difficult at all.

Make use of Designer features

You can stick with Designer in an attempt to change the appearance and position of the added image. Of course, remember that Designer is only available in PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, and not everyone is a subscriber.

  • Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation or open an old presentation
  • Go to the slide you are going to work on and click Insert
  • Select Images and how you want to add that file
  • Added, go to Layout and enter Designer
  • Choose the design idea with which you feel comfortable, without forgetting See more design ideas

Most of the ideas there will cover the entire slide with the image, plus add a few elements. A quick process to position an image on a slide, without having to crop the aspect ratio.

Remove the background, another alternative

This doesn’t apply to all images, of course, but it’s an extra tutorial that could be interesting at times. Removing the background, that image that did not fit before may now be accommodated in the space for her. probably this is one of those things you didn’t know you could do in PowerPoint, right?

  • Open the image in PowerPoint
  • Go to Image Format
  • There to Remove Background
  • Adjust the image with the Background Removal options
  • When you’re done, click Keep Changes

In a few seconds, you will have got rid of that background that prevented your image from showing off when adding it to the slide.

Other frequently asked questions

How does it auto fit in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint has an autofit feature that is easy to use and all you have to do is go to Format under Image Tools, then navigate to Size to insert height and width. Once this is indicated, the system will automatically modify the image proportionally as soon as you press Enter.

How to make an image fit in PowerPoint without distortion?

One of the things you need to do when adding images to PowerPoint is to make sure they fit together without distortion. Add the image to the slide and press Shift while dragging the corner of the photo to resize it. As long as you do it correctly, its dimensions should go adjusting without distortion.

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