• Many content creators believe that a good video is enough to attract users on YouTube
  • The interrelation between YouTube and Google is forcing those who upload content to develop a marketing campaign around these videos, to better position them on the platform
  • We review some of the key aspects that any keyword strategy should have in YouTube videos, issues that could make the difference between filling you with visits or going unnoticed

YouTube is undoubtedly the first video platform on the Internet that comes to mind. But it is not only the inescapable reference in its sector, but it has reached new status over time, until it has, of course, become something like a social network, with creators and products. And, for the former, the Using keywords in YouTube videos is essential to earn views and money.

With more than 3,000 million monthly searches, and more than 2,000 million monthly active users, YouTube is a money-generating machine, which has managed to capture the attention not only of those creators, but also of marketers, who have observed the behavior of Google’s positioning tools for this portal, learning and developing their tactics.

There are not a few marketing experts who have concluded that, to succeed on YouTube, The quality of the content you produce matters as much as the information that allows them to be identified.

In other words, YouTube works exactly like a search engine like Google itself, tagging, cataloging and recommending videos based on the data that its creators have provided.

If you usually look for tricks to win more views on YouTube, this could be useful for you.

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This is a keyword strategy in YouTube videos

Well, with the introduction done, let’s try to stop now at some of the bases that any keyword strategy for YouTube videos should consider at a certain point.

Plan the audience

Not just for YouTube, but in general, audience planning is a step that could jeopardize your entire keyword campaign. You have to know who you are talking to and think how you want or should do it.

One of the great benefits of portals like YouTube is that the audiences are already there, you don’t have to summon them to the site, but they do convince them that your content is better than others.

In this regard, you can take a look at the tools or MOZ resources, that will help you orient yourself to the most suitable audience, and that are useful especially when you are just starting out.

Review all analytics

With the KPI or Key Performance Indicator you will also have to make friends, and define them in advance, in order to know if the videos have had as good results as you expected, or if it is better to opt for other ideas.

YouTube has some interesting indicators such as the amount of time users spend watching your content, the percentage that continues to watch the video until the end, the actions they take such as like, leave comments, share the video with their friends, etc. However, lately it has been incorporating other less exploited ones, such as the thumbnail or preview of the video, the keywords of the title, the new reproductions, demographic information and more. The more you work on them, the more likely you are to rank well.

All of these metrics are important, and you should dig around for best practices on each one.

Understand the classification

Understanding how YouTube classifies videos is also vitally important, especially since its algorithms need to know what they are playing by including it in search results.

To do this, Google grabs the previews, thumbnails, meta tags, sitemap from video, audio, and so on.

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Keywords, from relevance and not from volume

You’re probably already wondering what are the correct keywords, or what to call keywords and which ones should not be considered that way. Let us tell you that the relevance that each video has for the viewer matters more than the total volume of that keyword.

Therefore, always prioritize relevance over any other indicator, since that will also increase the chances that that viewer will continue to watch the video, and that they will not leave immediately.

Define your audience and their needs

For the above to work as it should, of course it is essential that you have a well-defined audience and their needs. If you are not sure who you are talking to, you are only wasting your time.

It is not the same to create videos for those who are trying to learn a theory, who want to complete an internship, who want to search for information on specific products, etc. It all depends on who your viewer is.

And together with the audience, you will discover what their strengths and weaknesses are, what they stand out in particular and what their vulnerabilities are. Even, You will understand them better as time goes by, of course.

Use autocomplete to your advantage

And how to take the first steps? Take advantage of the work that has already been done, starting with the autocompletion that YouTube has incorporated, taking advantage of the previous searches that other users have made to inform you.

When you complete a couple of keywords about videos that you like, or similar to yours, the search engine or autocomplete It will return other complementary terms that you should well take into account.

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