• Instagram allows us to pin comments that we consider relevant to the top of our posts, giving them priority over others chosen by the algorithm but useless
  • This option is ideal for getting rid of trolls and answers that do not contribute much

As we already know, it is possible to leave comments on the posts of others on instagram, just as others can leave comments on our posts. In the second case, we have the possibility to go a little further and pin the comments. Pinning a comment on Instagram is a good way to make it stand out from the rest, but what are the steps to take to make it stand out so that everyone sees it?

In effect, this is a tutorial that makes a lot of sense, especially in those cases in which you think that there is a specific comment in that publication that adds value, that clarifies something that has not been said, that informs about the subject matter, etc. In the users scrolling process itself, most of those who open your post will also see the first comment but probably not all the ones below..

Generally, unless we pin a comment to our Instagram posts, the ordering of these will depend on Instagram’s internal algorithms, and that means they could be comments with no additional value or, worse still, comments that do nothing but discredit the effort and content of your post.

How to pin a comment on Instagram?

Instagram has developed specific procedures for posting comments according to the operating system used. If you use iOS, the procedure is one way, while if you use Android, it is somewhat different..

on iPhone

  • Open the Instagram app normally and navigate to the post where you are going to pin a comment
  • Tap the comment button and choose Pin a comment on Instagram. They will all appear
  • Find the one you want to pin at the top and swipe the screen to the left
  • Press the pushpin icon when the various options are displayed
  • A message will tell you that you can pin up to three comments and will notify the person who pinned it
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The steps to follow to pin a comment on an Instagram post on iPhone

If you later want to unpin that comment, you just have to scroll to the left on top of it. The pin will appear again and when you click on it it will tell you that this comment will no longer be fixed.

on Android

  • Open the Instagram app normally, navigate to the post and tap the comments icon
  • Touch and hold the comment you want to pin until a toolbar appears
  • Select the pin icon to pin the comment to the top of the post
  • A message will tell you that you can pin up to three comments and will notify the person who pinned it
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This is what a pinned comment on an Instagram post should look like on Android

If you later want to unpin that comment, you just have to press and hold on it. The pin will appear again and when you click on it it will tell you that this comment will no longer be fixed.


If you are used to getting a lot of comments on your Instagram posts, it is better to pin some of them above others. You can give priority to your own comments, to those that contribute something, even to the comments of users with whom you have made collaborative posts, another Instagram function.

Remember, on the other hand, that you can pin up to three comments, unpin one, two or all three and choose others if you wish. Namely, the management of the posted comments is total, and the only limitation is the amount.

Have you decided to pin a comment on Instagram now that you know how to do it?

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