Although it is not something exactly new, artificial intelligence is a concept that is on everyone’s lips lately. With several AI chatbots like the renowned ChatGPT on the market, things have only gone up a notch. However, as we discussed earlier, AI isn’t exactly new. There are already voice assistants like siri for quite some time, although today we will see how to use ChatGPT next to this in iphone.
Many may come to say that Siri does not have much “brain” that we say, that is why many decide to deactivate the voice assistant. But, what if we could combine the best of ChatGPT and Siri on our iPhone? It may sound complicated, but it is quite easy to get the best of both worlds.
Use ChatGPT with Siri on iPhone
The process to be able to use ChatGPT with the voice assistant, Siri, on our iPhone phone is very simple. Although we must meet certain requirements to be able to carry it out.
Requirements for ChatGPT to work with Siri
Shortcut to Siri ChatGPT
ChatGPT’s integration in Siri works through an interesting shortcut that runs on our iPhone. Therefore, it is essential that we download the Siri Shortcut. This one is called Siri Pro, thanks to YouTuber Tim Harris. The shortcut is called Siri Pro, although we can always change the name to whatever we want. We start by downloading the shortcut from this link. Although we won’t have to run it yet.
In order to use ChatGPT services with Siri on our device, we are going to have to use an API. The ChatGPT API key can be found through an OpenIA account. For this, we are going to have to enter the page of OpenIA API keys and login with our account.
Once we have logged in with our account, we will see the option to “Create a new secret key”. We will click on this option to generate an API key, which we will use with Siri Pro.
After doing this, we will copy the OpenIA API key. The thing to remember is that once we copy the key and close the popup, we can no longer copy the same key again. So we recommend keeping it in a safe place.
Another option would be to open this website on our iPhone to generate and copy the API key to the clipboard.
Set up and use ChatGPT with Siri on iPhone
After downloading the Siri Shortcut Pro and having the API key, it’s time to make Siri start working. For this we are going to have to open the Shortcuts application to be able to access the one we have downloaded.
In this section we are going to quickly see the Siri Pro shortcut. We will click on the three dots icon to open the configuration of this shortcut. On our device, we renamed Siri Pro to Siri Bro.
Then we will see a second dialog called “Text” where we will see the message “Insert the ChatGPT API key here”. We will paste the API key that we copied earlier and press Done in the upper right.
And that would be all. ChatGPT is now integrated with Siri on your iPhone. We can call Siri Pro from the shortcut app or by saying: Hey Siri followed by the name of the shortcut (in our case Bro). In this example, we see that we have asked ChatGPT Siri to plan a two-day trip to London and it did so without any problem.
To finish, we have to consider that the shortcut may not always be available depending on the load of the ChatGPT server or if it is completely down. Although most of the times it will work without any kind of inconvenience.
What do I do if the shortcut doesn’t respond?
As we discussed a little above, whether ChatGPT Siri will run on iPhone will depend on the server load on the AI chatbot. In case the ChatGPT is overloaded, it is likely that the shortcut will not respond. In these cases we will have to wait a bit to use it.
Can I use this method on Android?
ChatGPT Siri is only available for iPhone devices. This is because it is based on the iOS Shortcut app; Some method has yet to be found for those people who have an Android phone.
The shortcut keeps asking me for the API key, what can I do?
What it really means is that we haven’t successfully added the ChatGPT API key yet. Without this, the shortcut will not be able to connect to the OpenIA server. So we will have to make sure that we copy the API key correctly.