• Despite its fame, not all Gmail users are aware of the personalization secrets that Google’s email client makes available to us, some of which are very useful
  • With these configurations, you will be able to establish a synchronization according to your needs, confirm each action you carry out, or determine automatic responses for the holidays

Although it is true that the version of Google’s email client is not as complete on smartphones as it is on its desktop or browser edition, we can still use its multiple tools. So, in this article we show you some Essential tricks to get more out of Gmail on Android. Thanks to them, you will get a better user experience, and you will be sure that everything flows as you wish.

The truth is that Gmail on Android has been adding very interesting configuration tools for the user. Those of you who are beginners, or haven’t bothered too much to check them out, may have lost sight of them. There are countless solutions, but let’s focus on three of which we consider essential for you.

Tricks that you must activate in Gmail on your Android

As you will see below, most of the actions that we are going to teach you have to do with fully exploiting the intelligence capabilities that Google has developed for Gmail, most of which will give you confidence that things they’ll work out even when you’re not fully aware of your emails.

Change the sync deadline

By default, Gmail automatically syncs emails for up to 30 days on your phone. But this is just one formula for most people, and it may not be the best one for you.

The good news is that if that period is not enough for you, you can manually increase the synchronization margin from the configuration, indicating a time that is more consistent to what you prefer.

  • Open Gmail on your Android mobile
  • Click on the menu, in the upper left corner
  • Navigate the dropdown menu, all the way to the bottom, and go to Settings
  • Once inside the Settings, select the Gmail account that you are going to customize
  • In the Settings of that account, go to Days to sync, and enter the number you want

From then on, You will automatically have the emails of the last two, three, six months synchronized. Even one year if you think that this way it will be easier for you to navigate between the contents received.

tricks gmail android 2

Automated responses for the holidays

If you are thinking of going on vacation, or you are sure to make a getaway soon, this will help you a lot. Maybe you didn’t know it, but you can forget about your Inbox during those days with the assistance of Gmail.

All you have to do is set up a series of auto-responses for the holidays, making Gmail respond to incoming emails on its own, so that people who want to contact you are aware that you are not attentive to the application, and that it could take a while to answer.

In addition, you will be interested to discover that you can limit the automatic message only to those who are among your contacts.

  • Open Gmail on your Android mobile
  • Click on the menu, in the upper left corner
  • Navigate the dropdown menu, all the way to the bottom, and go to Settings
  • Once inside the Settings, select the Gmail account that you are going to customize
  • In that account’s Settings, go to Vacation Responses
  • Activate the function, select a start and end date for it, and a message body
  • Tap Done to enable this feature, and forget about annoying emails on vacation

Use action confirmations

The last of the essential tricks for Gmail on Android is ideal for people who always have doubts. We’re talking about email client action confirmations, suitable for any action to complete. Furthermore, it is a function that it will prevent us from sending emails that have errors, if we notice it in time.

In fact, since that option to Undo sending emails isn’t available yet on mobile, we have to resort to action confirmations to give us one final chance to approve sending an email. Thanks to the configuration before each relevant action Gmail will ask you if you are sure what you are doing.

  • Open Gmail on your Android mobile
  • Click on the menu, in the upper left corner
  • Navigate the dropdown menu, all the way to the bottom, and go to Settings
  • Once inside the Settings, select the Gmail account that you are going to customize
  • In the Settings for that account, scroll down to the Action Confirmations
  • Select the checkboxes for each of the possible actions

Probably, those that you should activate yes or yes are those of sending and deleting emails, of course.

And you, what Gmail configuration do you think everyone should use on their Android mobile?

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