MS Excel gives us the possibility to give you many applications to function hyperlink. Uses that can undoubtedly become too useful depending on the situation in which we find ourselves.

The Microsoft office suite is one of the most complete that we will find on the market. With the possibility of counting cells with text, adding columns, adding and customizing data labels in graphs, among many other options that are useful, practical, and necessary.

Uses of Microsoft Excel’s hyperlink function

Link a cell in the spreadsheet

We can link a specific cell in the current spreadsheet, we will have to include the name of the file, the sheet and the cell reference. The filename will be enclosed in square brackets and the entire argument in double quotes.

How to use the hyperlink function in Excel to the fullest.

Let’s see a clear example, with this formula, we will link cell A6 in our current spreadsheet called Sheet1 (Sheet1). The file name will be HTG_Desktop.xlsx. It is important to include the file name.


Get the most out of Excel's hyperlink feature.

In order to link the same file, sheet or cell, we will use the descriptive name for the link like “Go to A6”, we can use a formula like this.

=HYPERLINK(«[HTG_Desktop.xlsx]Sheet1!A6″,”Go to A6”)

Create a hyperlink to a cell within the workbook in excel

6 Tricks for the Hyperlink Function in Excel

Another cool thing we can do is link a cell in the current workbook, but to another sheet. The only thing we will have to do is replace the name of the current sheet with the name of another.


Link to a cell within the spreadsheet.

Something else we can do is add the CELL function instead of typing the file name. Here we will leave an example to link to the same cell as the previous one.


Change title.

But this combined function formula also works by inputting display text for the “text” argument. Instead of adding text in quotes, we are going to add the value in cell D1 which would be the word Title in this case.


Link to a workbook in another drive

Uses of the hyperlink function in Microsoft Excel

This option is very interesting for different jobs, because we can link a file located on another drive, including the full path in quotes.


Specify cell.

If we want to go to a specific cell, we’ll link C9 on Sheet1 in the same file and location. We can add square brackets around the path with the sheet name and cell reference afterwards.


custom title.

We can clearly see another example linked to named range totals in the same file and location. Since we’re using a defined name, we can make sure to insert the square brackets around the path.


Create a hyperlink with the function to a defined name in excel

Another thing we can do is link a range of named cells in an Excel workbook, be it the current one or another. In this case, we’ll add square brackets around a path directly before the defined name.

Defined name function.

So if we want to bind to the name scores defined in the current workbook titled HTG_Desktop.xlsx, we would use the following formula:


Link another workbook.

In case we want to link the name defined Totals in another workbook, we are going to enter the full path in parentheses followed by the name of the cell range as follows:


Change display text.

If we want to use another type of display text, we are simply going to have to add it as the second argument, it is as simple as we see it here.

=HYPERLINK(«[HTG_Desktop.xlsx]Scores»»Go There»)

link a website

Link website.

We can also link to a remote XLSX file, including the full path in quotes like this:


Link specific cell of remote sheet.

It is even possible to link a sheet and a specific cell, we can add the file path in square brackets with the sheet name and cell reference below.


Link a Word document

Link Word document.

We can also do it to a Word document directly. For this we will include the full path in quotes and the file extension, this has to be exact.


Custom text.

We can link a bookmark in Word. We’ll add those square brackets followed by the name of the bookmark.


In short, Excel gives us the ability to create custom links depending on our needs. Something that has been very useful when we have to work with a large number of documents.

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