• WhatsApp offers us the possibility of blocking users if we do not want them to be able to talk to us
  • But others can also block us and we won’t be able to tell right away.
  • What are the clues that allow us to find out if someone has blocked us on WhatsApp?

Almost three years ago, we wrote a very interesting article in which we provided several clues on how to know if someone has blocked you in WhatsApp chats, indications or signals that you could take advantage of to find out. From a time to today, there are many readers who come up with the question “am I blocked on WhatsApp?”. We help you answer it in a few simple steps so that you can clear up your doubts about it..

Of course, we talk about those cases in which we find that we send messages and they do not reach them. Directly we find that the blue double check never turns blue… and it doesn’t even become a double check.

There are many possible explanations, from someone having deleted WhatsApp and no longer using it, to actually being blocked, which unfortunately is the most likely given this situation.

How does WhatsApp lock work?

As we said, users who do not wish to maintain contact with others can block whoever they prefer. Thanks to the Settings section, there is the opportunity to get rid of other people.

  • Open the app and click on the three vertical dots menu on the right side of the app
  • Go to Settings, scroll to Account and then Privacy, and go to Contact Blocked

If you look closely, you will be able to see the icon of the blocked person with a + sign next to it. Eventually, you can block new users by clicking on that icon to add them to the blacklist.

How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

You have to keep in mind that WhatsApp will never notify you if you have been blocked, but there are certain indicators.

You can be guided by some problem that has existed with that person but there are details of the application that are ideal to reach the conclusion that someone has blocked you, and it is in them that we are going to stop.

Lack of information

Among those indicators that someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, If when you enter the contact you do not see substantial information such as the last seen or the online status, you have enough to start with suspicions. Remember that this it can also be due to somewhat more restrictive privacy settings.

I'm blocked WhatsApp message sent

No profile updates

Another indicator that your contact has blocked you is that their profile picture and details are not available.. You will no longer see their online status or stories using the app, so you should immediately ask someone in common to check to see if they can see such content, and if so, you can get blocked.

I am blocked WhatsApp profile information

Check marks and their meanings

As we said at the beginning, if you’ve messaged someone and you haven’t seen the double check mark inside the personal chat between the two of you, they may not have internet access or they may have blocked you.

  • A gray check mark means that the message went through the shipping process but was not delivered
  • Two gray check marks mean that your message was shipped and delivered to your contact
  • Two blue check marks mean that your message has been sent, received and seen

Are you there?

Another feature that WhatsApp has is the ability to make phone callsVoIP calls similar to regular ones that do not need a traditional connection but are connected via WiFi. Setting up calls this way is not only simple, but also completely free..

This means that if you call the contact in question, should ring and be answered like any call. Meanwhile, if it’s blocked, it’ll probably send you straight to voicemail, without any contact.

I am blocked WhatsApp calls

Try to add you to a group, the last alternative

WhatsApp allows you to create groups with your contacts, so you can try trying to add this contact. When you see an error message, you’ll have the final clue that that user might have blocked you.. Typically, the message says something like “Unable to add a participant” or “Failed to add.”

I am blocked WhatsApp groups


Given the sheer number of people who use WhatsApp, it can be difficult to tell if someone has blocked you.. However, analyzing all the indicators that we have been discussing could help to find out.

Have you been able to find out if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp with these clues that we brought you?

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