• There are several things that you probably did not know that Artificial Intelligence is capable of
  • ChatGPT can read PDF documents for you, if you don’t want to deal with it yourself
  • What are the steps to follow and what alternatives are there for me to read your PDFs?

As the weeks go by, we discover more advantages of Artificial Intelligence and especially of ChatGPT. The more we interact with technology, the more prepared it is to solve the problems we pose to it. But there are several things that you probably don’t know that Artificial Intelligence is capable of, such as that ChatGPT can read PDF documents for you if you don’t want to deal with doing it yourself.

Of course, most people are interested in having ChatGPT replace them in the heavier tasks. For some, this means that it replaces them when they have to read PDF-type documents for some reason. Regardless of that reason, you should be aware that it is one of its many useful abilities.

It is that although ChatGPT cannot display PDF files directly, there are certain tricks to share the content of this kind of documents with the AI ​​and that it is the one that reads it aloud, limiting ourselves only to listening.

How to make ChatGPT read your PDF files?

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to analyze and respond to natural language text. Whenever you cannot do it, such as in the case of displaying the PDF files directly, we must perform alternative procedures like the ones mentioned below so you can carry it out.

Provide links to content

The simplest way to achieve this goal is to provide ChatGPT with links to the content it should read. Giving a link to the file will avoid having to copy and paste its content or share each part of the text.

Just copy the file link and paste it into the ChatGPT chat window and ChatGPT will parse it, opening it, to access the content and start reading it aloud so that you can hear it.

Convert the PDF to a text file

If the PDF document contains images or formatting that cannot be easily copied and pasted, you can transform it to a text file with tools available as SmallPDF or Adobe Acrobat.

Simply upload the PDF to that platform and select the option to convert the PDF to a text file. Then copy and paste the content into ChatGPT’s chat window and command it to read the content.

third party solutions

Another possibility is the use of third-party solutions that integrate ChatGPT with the PDF processing APIs. You can create chatbots that collaborate with you in complex processes for decision-making, significantly improving the experience you have when using Artificial Intelligence due to its customization potential.

Here we explain how are the steps to follow with BookGPT and ChatGPT to upload and read PDF files:

  1. Visit ChatGPT and log in
  2. Go to the platform openai.com/account/api-keys
  3. Once the page is open, click on Create new secret key
  4. Assign a name and you will receive a new API that you can then change
  5. Go to huggingface.co/spaces/pritish/BookGPT and copy and paste the API
  6. In the Question section, write the question you want to ask

If you’re used to ChatGPT, you’ll know that the question doesn’t have to be a specific question but you can play around a bit, asking him to just read the PDF, make a summary of it, or take notes and share them with you. After that, drag and drop the PDF file in the section or, alternatively, put your URL address. Hit Submit, and BookGPT will take your query, look at the PDF file, and get to work on your prompts.


It is a fact that Artificial Intelligence will change the way we interact with all kinds of documents. But, in the case of PDFs, things are progressing a little slower than in other essential fields.

Even so, while waiting for ChatGPT in its fifth generation, which will probably add improvements in this regard, we can trust the tricks that we have just mentioned so that Artificial Intelligence reads the PDFs for you.

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