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  • If there’s one thing that defines Office spreadsheets, it’s the sheer number and variety of charts
  • The execution graph or Run Chart is essential so that you can show data series
  • What are the steps to create run charts and why is it called that way?

If there’s one thing that defines Office spreadsheets, it’s the sheer number and variety of charts available. Thanks to them we can perform all kinds of useful tasks, and knowing how to create a performance graph in Excel is essential so that you can show data series over time to your audiences.

As we said, in Excel there are several charts that can not only be used but also must be used at times. Bar, column, pie charts, etc. The important thing is to know which ones exist and when to use them.

In this article, we are going to teach you how to create a run chart in Excel, an essential option if you are showing data series over time to your audiences and you want them to be clear.

Create a running chart in Excel step by step

Creating a run chart in Excel step by step is not as difficult as it seems, even if you don’t have any experience.

  • Start Excel as usual
  • Enter your data in the Excel spreadsheet
  • Highlight the data and press the Insert button, and then press the Line button
  • Select Line with markers, right click on the chart and select Cut from the options
  • Enter the Median formula, then select the range of cells that contain the values ​​to highlight
create chart run excel 2

If you have no idea how to enter the formula, it should look something like this: “=MEDIAN(B2:B6)”. Obviously, you will have to change B2 and B6 for the cells that comprise the execution graph.


And that’s it. As you can see, it is one of the simplest graphics that we can take advantage of in Excel. Everything will depend on what values ​​you want to follow and the interpretation you make of the results.

Other frequently asked questions

Why is it called a Run Chart?

Run charts are used to monitor the performance of a process over time with a focus on process improvement; showing the measure of the series over time and how the data evolves. Furthermore, run charts are also called trend charts or series charts.

What is the difference between a run chart and a control chart?

The run chart and the control chart are similar, but there are some differences to note between them.

A run chart will likely help you monitor data over time to separate changes, trends, or cycles, spotting up and down trends but no upper and lower control limit lines.

On the other hand, control charts help you understand the variation that is always present in the processes. The control chart includes some upper and lower control limit lines with a center line.

Now you know how to create a run chart in Excel, but if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to share them in the comments.

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