• The Apple Watch, and the iPhone with iOS 16, allow us to change the daily physical goals
  • From the Fitness application we can modify what Apple expects with its circles or rings
  • You can get your hands on it so that it is more merciful with you, or so that it demands you to the limit

It is not even necessary to stop at the importance of physical training to enjoy good health. We are all more or less aware of it and Apple equipment can be the best allies for your exercises if you know how to edit activity goals on Apple Watch and iPhone to progress in the future.

The fact is that the Californian firm has given ample evidence lately of how much it cares about our well-being. Each new version of the Apple Watch adds more and more functions aimed at monitoring health, and allowing us to prevent risk events for the body through all kinds of useful measurements.

In the jargon, the developers of the North American call “closing the rings” to meet the proposed activity objectives, and try to encourage its users to take the trouble to complete them every day. Obviously, the idea is not to compete against anyone but to be able to challenge themselves.

This is how Apple Activity rings work

As we said, Apple attaches great importance to closing the rings, but achieving it will depend on certain issues. First, that those goals are really up to what our physical situation can achieve. Second, many people train with plans where the intensity goes down and up, so their goals are constantly changing. Be that as it may, what you need to know is how to change the physical goals in your devices.

The good news is that you will be able to modify these challenges from both your phone and a smart watch, thus enjoying conditioning more in line with what you can or want to give in each session.

activity goals apple watch 2
One of the great novelties of iOS 16 is the incorporation of the Activity application, or Fitness, on iPhone

For those who haven’t researched it enough, let’s remember that Apple has three rings on its interface. Called Move, Exercise, and Stand, the overall goal is to complete them every day if possible.

The funny thing is that when we activate the Apple Watch, The smartwatch predetermines goals that are not random, but based on our demographic data and their information, such as height, weight, age and gender. This does not have to fit our realityso we will be able to tweak it if we think it is necessary.

How to control exercise goals?

on Apple Watch

  • Open the Activity app
  • Scroll down and tap Change Goals
  • First you will have to change your move targets by pressing the icons on either side
  • Once you’re done, tap Next to save your changes
  • Repeat the procedure on each of the rings

on iPhone

One of the great novelties of iOS 16 is the incorporation of the Activity application, or Fitness, on iPhone.

  • Open the Activity app
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner
  • Tap Change Targets and modify your move targets by pressing the icons on either side
  • Repeat the procedure on each of the rings


In summary, it makes a lot of sense that if you’ve gone to the trouble of buying an Apple Watch, you’d squeeze it. To make sure of this, you will have to explore its menus a bit, with special emphasis on those circles or rings that Apple establishes a bit capriciously to adapt to your training goals.

The best thing is that this way you can lower the expectations of the Fitness application, so that you meet them every day, as well as set new goals if the previous ones have ceased to be a challenge thanks to your insistence.

How often do you usually change your activity goals on Apple Watch or iPhone?

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