• Error code 0xc0000094 is more common than we would like, and appears in Windows 10 and 11 as users of these operating systems have been commenting in recent years
  • Being a problem that does not have a single or definitive solution, we must run many useful tools that are built into Windows until one of them works

As you well know if you have been dealing with the Windows operating system in its various versions for some time, it is possible that at certain times obstacles appear that prevent us from continuing to use the computer. We speak more specifically of system failures. Y Since it is one of the most recurrent problems on PC, in this article we will show you how to solve the error 0xc0000094 in Windows 10/11 step by step.

fix error 0xc0000094 Windows 1.5

The first thing we must say about it is that this inconvenience is usually related to the accidental deletion of essential values ​​from the Registry, although it is also present in third-party programs, especially when we try to uninstall them, making it difficult for us to use the computer in the future.

Eventually, some malware, adware, or software will have removed important values ​​from an installed program. You may have recently uninstalled something, but we are not so interested in the reasons why this message is seen, but rather how to get rid of it, and thus be able to enjoy our PC without any limitations.

Fix error 0xc0000094 in Windows 10 or Windows 11

Restore log files

We always recommend making backup copies of the Registry, in order to recover them if necessary. We begin then by advising you that, if you have a copy that is not too old, try this trick. Assuming there is, the steps to follow are quite simple, and will not take more than a few seconds:

  • Press Win + R, type regedit and press Enter button
  • Click the Yes button, and go to File, Import
  • Select the backup file and click the Open button

Finally check if the problem is solved or not and, next time make your backups.

Use the system restore point

Most third-party program uninstallers create system restore points when they run. They do it with the idea of ​​power recover any item that was essential for that team. Also, we can create restore points to recover an old version of the OS

Change system date and time

If neither of the above two solutions worked for you, try changing the date and time on your device. It may have been deprogrammed for no apparent reason, and until you fix it, you will notice certain “crashes”.

fix error 0xc0000094 Windows 3

Changing the date and time in Windows is pretty easy, so it doesn’t hurt to try it.

Run an SFC scan

Corrupt files could explain this error message, so System File Checker will have to search for those contents inside your Windows, which will take a few minutes.

to launch it, you should open a Command Prompt window and type sfc /scannow.

Run an anti-adware scan

Ultimately, the adware could justify the message, so you have to make sure to remove it completely. Applications like this one, which get rid of Registry files and replace them to show us ads, end up being absolutely annoying, so run some anti-adware to detect and uninstall them.


As you may have noticed, There is no definitive solution to fix Windows error code 0xc0000005. However, in most cases you can always resort to these universal solutions for computer problems or problems, some of which will surely allow you to get rid of these mishaps.

In any case, we recommend that you first make sure that the message refers to this error code, and that it does not mention another, because a similar code could have a specific solution that we have addressed.

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