• If you can know what your customers think, you will have a significant advantage over others
  • Although we try to analyze them as a collective, we are talking about individual human beings.
  • What are the keys for the client to feel that attention is paid to him and that he is respected?

If you have a business and for months or years you have been trying to convince people to buy your products or contract your services, surely you are already aware that attracting public attention is not easy. But, if you can know what your customers think, you will have a significant advantage over others..


That is why any tool that allows you to anticipate market demands will be key to survival. Taking into account that we are at a stage in history in which businesses have an infinite amount and variety of data to analyze, separating those that speak of the real needs of the clients can make the difference between a project that is maintained over time and one that disappears in a few months.

Needless to say that defining what customers want is not easyabove all because although we try to analyze them as if they were a collective, we are still talking about individual human beings. Having clarified this, the good news is that we are going to offer you a roadmap that could be of enormous interest.

Why should our clients need us?

The first thing we need to understand is that when we sell a product or provide a service, we are not just selling a product or providing a service, we are we are trying to meet specific needs of users, which will change according to each one of them and also as the market advances.

The client’s portrait

Generic data such as name, age and place of residence are not enough to send a message to audiences. We should get as much detail as possible about your interests, professions, and background..

tools like Google Analytics and social networks can help much because everything is in them. We can get a lot of information by analyzing Which blogs do they follow or which channels did they find our brand on?.

The ultimate goal of the research is to find out what needs they have and how our product can satisfy them.

take advantage of the reviews

Internet reviews are wonderful, whether we look at them from the point of view of the customer or the business owner. Basically, if we know how to use them and we are not offended by them -as long as they are with good intentions-, we will find answers to many of the questions we ask ourselves about the future of our business.

Monitoring comments on social networks, sending surveys by email and others are absolutely valuable sources of information from users concerned about better products and services. Listen or read those who take the time to tell you what they think you should improve.


go his way

There is a technique called “customer journey mapping”, which is to define all the touch points where a customer interacts with a company before, during and after a purchase, so you should start by asking yourself questions like “why did a customer subscribe to us on social media?«.

Answering those questions one by one will help you better interpret your customers, of course.

Bonus Tricks to Hear What Customers Really Think

We could say that up to now we have done a good job approaching our -potential- clients. Suppose then that the time comes to confront them in a real and definitive conversation. You will probably want to know what you have to do so as not to ruin the progress made so far.

There are certain additional tricks that will allow you to achieve these results without suffering too much.

Ask clear and concise questions

Confusing customers is one of the worst things we can do, so if you have to ask questions to get to know them better, do your best to keep them clear and concise, so they don’t lead to mistakes.

It is important to avoid closed questions such as “what do you need from our image editing software?”, replacing them with ones like “how do you usually use image editing software?”.

Talk to the person, not yourself

Our mind has the habit of taking control of the dialogues and forgetting that there is also a speaker. Finishing the sentences for him is a mistake that we should not commit if we do not want them to feel ignored or disrespected. Practice silence and try to keep it until the talk requires your participation.

Address what your customers are saying as soon as possible

Directing the conversation to the area where we feel most comfortable can scare the interlocutor, who might think that we do not have knowledge in certain elements of our work or, worse still, that we are not willing to recognize it and solve it. If there is something that does not work and they tell you about it, address the issue as soon as possible.

Do you think you are closer to understanding what your customers think?

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