microsoft edge allows us to improve our productivity by Activate and wear the split screen in the same tab. In this way, we will be able to divide two web pages in the same tab. It’s similar to the Windows function, only we won’t have to have two browser windows open, everything happens in the same tab.

Turn on and use split screen in Microsoft Edge

Next, we are going to see how we can activate and use the split screen in Edge. This is a very convenient productivity feature that will help us to better organize ourselves in different tasks.

Enable split screen tabs in Microsoft Edge

Currently, the feature is only available for the Microsoft Edge Canary channel. So, to be able to use it, we are going to have to download Edge Canary from this link.

After installing it, we are going to have to open Edge Canary and we are going to copy the URL that we can see below, once copied we will proceed to paste it in the address bar and press Enter.


Activate split screen in Microsoft Edge

This will take us to the Edge flags, specifically the one we want to activate. The only thing we will do here is go to the drop-down menu on the right side and select Enable.

Restart browser.

Next, we are going to click on Restart in the lower right corner. This will close the browser and reopen it, with your changes applied and split screen enabled.

how to use it

How to activate and use split screen in Microsoft Edge

After enabling the split screen feature in Edge, let’s see how to use it. If we want to have two screens, one next to the other under a tab, we will have to choose a web page and right click on its link. Then we are going to choose Open link in split window.

Split screen on Edge.

What will happen now is that immediately the screen will be split into the same tab and the link will open in the split screen window on the right. Now we will be able to work without problems and without having to constantly change tabs.

Split screen.

In case we already have different websites open in separate tabs. What we will do is click on the Split window button found in the toolbar (next to the address bar) to be able to divide the screen.

Choose tab.

Now we will have to choose the tab we want to access, we will see a list with all the pages that we currently have open. It will be a matter of choosing the one we want.

Adjust size.

Something very interesting is that it is also possible to adjust the size of the split screen. All we have to do is drag the slider in the middle to one of the sides and it will adjust automatically.


In case we want to return to the normal screen, we can move the split screen to a new tab. For this we will click on the button with three points that is in the upper right part and we will choose Open screen in a new tab.

Open in new tab.

Additionally, if we click on the split window button to customize the behavior when we open links in split screen mode, we can configure some options that will remain by default.

Disable split screen.

Finally, we can click the Split Window button on the toolbar to disable split screen mode in Edge.

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