- Telegram is one of the safest and most popular instant messaging apps out there, one that differs from WhatsApp, such as when it comes to adding your new contacts
- Among its advantages, it is possible to add contacts to Telegram, regardless of whether you have their alias or just their phone number, so it is better to know how the procedures are
Telegram is one of the safest instant messaging applications that exist, and that explains why, especially during these months of the pandemic, millions of users downloaded it as an alternative to WhatsApp. Obviously, not all of them have abandoned WhatsApp, and in fact hardly anyone has, but for certain specific uses we are convinced that there are better options, as long as you know how to add a contact to Telegram.
And it is that one of the main problems encountered by those who have a first contact with Telegram, is that they do not know how to move within this application, something that can take several days. Therefore, in this article we will teach you how to add a contact on Telegram, whether you have their alias, or you only have their phone number on handthis being one of its great advantages.
The fact is that we can add a contact in Telegram either with their phone number, like in WhatsApp, but also through an alias, something that makes sense considering not revealing the phone number to any stranger.
So how to add contacts to Telegram step by step?
by his alias
The way that many prefer when adding contacts to Telegram is to do it through the alias, since that means that they won’t have to share their number with anyone else, just pass on their display name. Those who do it that way should use their own photo as an image, to clear up any doubts.
- Open the Telegram app on your smartphone, be it iOS or Android
- Click on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner
- In the input field, type the profile name or alias of the person you want to add
- You will see several results that match your search, so click exactly on the one that interests you
- Then display your Telegram profile by clicking on the name, and click on the menu of the three points
- Among all the available options, you have to click on the first one, Add to Contacts
From that moment on, the person in question will become part of your Telegram contacts, and you will be able to chat with them, make video calls or even coordinate remote work, with all the service’s tools.
By name and phone number on Telegram
The process of adding contacts by name and phone number on Telegram is similar on all devices. Eventually, if you already have someone added to WhatsApp and you know their number, you can operate this way.
- Open Telegram on your mobile device
- Go to the horizontal lines in the upper left corner of your screen
- Go to the Contacts section, which appears in the drop-down menu
- Click on the “+” in the lower right corner of the screen
- Write the person’s first and last name in the spaces
- Type the phone number of this contact
- Click on the check mark icon, in the upper right corner of the screen
With that, you will have added a person to your contact list knowing their phone number and nothing else.