We cannot deny that for any Minecraft player, constantly taking care of crops and animals is too exhausting a task. We must invest a lot of time in harvesting and breeding. One of the best animals is the chicken, it does not require any kind of additional food. In turn, they are an excellent source of food and it is possible to make various recipes with them. For this incredible convenience and utility, we will teach you the basics to build an automatic chicken farm in minecraft.

There are definitely fun things to build in Minecraft, but an automatic chicken farm is the best way to raise this animal quickly and easily. We will have to learn the basics about the chicken farm, something that we will see next.

Before starting, it is important that we always have the essential tools for survival; which will be useful in many situations.

Previous requirements

  • Rock.
  • Glass.
  • 1 dispenser.
  • 1 chest.
  • 2 redstone repeaters
  • 1 redstone comparator
  • A bit of redstone.
  • 1 bucket of lava.
  • 4 hoppers.
  • Various eggs.

Build a chicken farm in Minecraft

Chicken farm example.
  • To be able to start, we are going to need a few chicken eggs, we will have to build a chicken coop and attract the chickens with seeds to capture them.
  • For the chicken coop, we will have to locate a small area, where we are going to place a chest. Surrounding the chest, we will need to add 2 stone blocks on both sides and put 5 stone blocks on the back. It is important to leave some space behind the chest, ideally 2 blocks.
  • We’ll put a hopper in the empty area behind the chest. When we leave it, the items in the hopper will be moved to the chest. No matter how much space is left now, we will have to cover it with stone.
  • We will position the dispenser behind the hopper, additionally, we will cover the chest with the glass block.
  • Next, we need to put a stone slab over the hopper. Also, we are going to put 3 blocks on each side to go around the sides.
  • This is when we need to sequentially add a redstone comparator and a redstone repeater behind the dispenser. Next, we’re going to move to the back and put another redstone repeater on the right side of the comparator. We can use Redstone powder to cover the missing area.
  • After doing this, we are going to put a glass block on top of the chest and add a hopper on top of the dispenser. We will add two additional hoppers behind the one connected to the dispenser.
  • At this time we will have to use a stone to cover the area that is exposed. Next, we will put 3 rugs on top of the hoppers. We add a layer of stone blocks and behind the glass block, we add lava.
  • We are going to cover the remaining part, except for one hole. We will have to throw several chicken eggs here, unless some chicken hatches are spawned on the farm.

At this time, the chicken farm is finished and will start producing chickens and feathers automatically.

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