An email signature is a quick way to verify who we are and provide valuable information about our business. In short, it could be said that it is a kind of virtual presentation with all the most important information. In this sense, from time to time we will have to update it and that is when we must be very clear about how change a signature in Outlookeither from the pc or a device mobile.
Outlook is a great email option that offers a ton of features for free. Especially when Outlook and Word are powered by AI, which will undoubtedly improve our experience using Microsoft applications considerably.
Something else that we see as very positive when talking about Outlook is the possibility of saving time with personalized quick steps. We know that on many occasions the fact of checking the mail takes a considerable amount of time, it would not be a bad idea to try to save some of that time.
Leaving aside all the benefits that Microsoft’s email application has, one of those essential features is to automatically add a signature when we send an email. However, is it possible to change it? The answer is yes, although the way in which we will do it varies depending on the operating system and device that we use.
Change an Outlook signature from PC and mobile
Luckily, regardless of the operating system or device we use, Outlook offers the possibility of changing the signature without any kind of problem. Just below, we will see how to change the signature in Outlook from Windows, Android, iPhone and Mac.
Modify the Outlook signature from Windows
We start the Outlook application and go to File> Options. From this section we are going to have to choose “Mail” in the left sidebar and then we are going to click on the “Signatures” button in the main window.
In this section we will click on the signature we want to change from “Select the signature to edit”. We will make the pertinent changes through the “Edit signature” option at the top.
When we finish editing everything, we are going to click on “Save” and then on “OK”.
How to do it from a Mac
We start by opening the Outlook application and then we will click on “Outlook” from the top.
Here we will have to choose “Preferences” from the drop-down menu.
Next, we are going to click on “Signatures”.
We will look for the signature that we want to modify and click on “Edit”.
We will make the relevant changes. Then we will click on the icon that is shaped like a “floppy disk” at the top to be able to save these changes.
To finish, we will click on the “X” icon at the top to close the window.
Change Outlook Signature on iPhone
In the case of iPhone it is also something simple and we will have to download the app from the App Store, once installed we proceed to open it.
In the upper left part we will have to press the “Profile” icon.
Next, we will choose “Settings”.
From this section, we will go to “Mail”.
Click on “Signatures”.
And in this section we can update our signature.
Modify Outlook signature from an Android phone
We start by downloading the application from the Play Store following this link in case you don’t have it. Once it is installed on our device we are going to open it as we normally would.
Now we are going to click on “Profile” at the top left of the screen, we will have to select the gear-shaped icon that will take us to the Settings section at the bottom left. From the “Mail” section, we are going to choose “Signature”. Here we will have to edit the signature as we wish, then we will click on the “Verification mark” icon that is at the top to save it.
How to remove an email signature from Outlook
In case we want to delete a signature instead of editing it, we can also do it without any kind of problem. We will have to follow the steps that we will discuss below depending on our device and operating system.
We start by opening Outlook and going to File> Options. We choose “Mail” in the left sidebar and click on “Signatures” on the right.
We choose the signature that we are going to delete and we will click on the button that says “Delete”, which is located at the bottom.
We open Outlook and click on “Outlook” at the top left of the screen.
Next, we will choose “Preferences” from the dropdown menu.
We click on “Signatures”.
We choose the signature that we want to delete and then we are going to click on the “-” sign to delete it permanently.
We close the window by clicking on the “X” that is in the upper left part.
In the case of iPhone we do not have the direct option to delete a signature. However, we can edit the signature, delete all its content and then save it.
We open the Outlook application and go to the “Profile” icon in the upper left.
Next, we click on the gear-shaped icon to access the Settings.
We choose the “Mail” option.
We select “Signatures”.
Here we will have to delete the entire signature in question. Once all the content disappears, we will have to press the check mark at the top right to save the changes.
In the same way that it happens in iOS, Android does not have an option to delete the signature either, but we can also delete the existing content and save the changes.
Once the Outlook application is open we will go to “Profile” in the upper left part of the screen. Now we are going to click on the gear-shaped icon to access the app settings.
In this section we go to Mail > Signature. We will have to delete all the content that is in the signature, when there is nothing left, we will click on the check mark so that the changes are saved.
Tips for creating a good email signature
The signature represents more than just an “email signature”. It is really important because it provides contact information, our name and profession. We can add certain very positive data about us, the product or service we offer, etc.
- Name.
- Job title.
- Contact methods: social media, phone number, email, etc.
- Links for a call to action.
- A small image or logo of the company.
Additionally, we do not recommend using colors of any kind, unless they are flashy like bright neon. The idea is to use black, italic or bold colors to highlight some interesting data. The idea is to make it as professional and simple as possible.