This post shows students and new users the steps to a secondary language when using the Microsoft Edge web browser. When you normally read and write in a particular language, you can add your preferred language to Edge and make it your default language or switch between multiple languages ​​when needed.

Adding a language in Edge is pretty straightforward and easy. However, not everyone is comfortable doing it. We show you how to do it below. When adding a secondary language, Edge will not ask you to translate when visiting a web page written in that language. It will be displayed in its native version.

This should work on all Edge browsers installed on any operating system, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems.

Edge, Chrome and other browsers automatically request to translate web pages written in a language other than the default language chosen in the browser. In some cases, this will not work. In that case, you can manually choose the secondary language preference for translating.

To start adding a secondary language in Edge, follow the steps below.

How to add a secondary language in Microsoft Edge browser

To change or add a secondary language in the Edge web browser, click the three points (ellipse) on the right side of the Edge browser, click Settings.

Microsoft Edge settings

On the Edge Settings page, click Idiom in the left menu, then click the Add languages in the right pane area to add language.

microsoft edage browser language

When the pop-up window opens, find the language you want to add or scroll down the list and select the languages ​​you want to add.

Microsoft Edge browser selection

Once the language is added, it should appear in the list of languages ​​added to Edge.

edge browser add language

Once you’re done, restart Edge for the new changes to take effect. After that, the next time you visit a web page in one of the languages ​​selected above, Edge will display in its native version without asking you to translate.

You should do that!


In this tutorial we have seen how to add languages ​​to the Edge web browser. If you find any bugs or have something to add, please use the comment form below.

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