Spelling accuracy is important when creating any document, and the same goes for spreadsheets. Spelling mistakes in your spreadsheets aren’t good, but they’re even more embarrassing if it’s a work spreadsheet you’ve shared with your colleagues.

The good news is that it’s easy to find and correct any spelling errors in Google Sheets using the built-in spell check tool.

If you want to check spelling in Google Sheets, follow these steps.

How to check spelling in Google Sheets

Checking spelling in Google Sheets is pretty easy. All you have to do is select the cells you want to review, and then run the Spell check tool.

To use the spell checker in Google Sheets:

  1. Highlight the cells you want to check. If you want to check the entire sheet, click in the area at the top left of the sheet.
  2. Click on Tools in the menu bar.
  3. Mouse over Spelling and Grammar and then click Spelling checker.
  4. The Spell Check tool will start.

Now that the spell checking tool is up and running, it’s time to learn how to use it.

How to use the spell checker in Google Sheets (Google Sheets)

There are three main options in the spell check tool. Let’s see each one of them.

Change the spelling

This option allows you to change a misspelled word to the suggested spelling.

To change a spelling in Google Sheets (Google Sheets):

  1. Start the spell check tool as above.
  2. If you are satisfied with the suggested spell correction, click Change.
  3. The following spelling suggestion will appear. You can stop reviewing by clicking the X from the top right corner or keep correcting each mistake in turn.
  4. If you want the tool to fix all instances of the same error at once, click the down arrow and then click change all.
  5. If you get to the end of the suggestions, you have the option to review the rest of the sheet or review other sheets in the document.

Ignore or Skip a spelling change

This option allows you to skip the suggested spelling corrections if you prefer to keep the original spelling.

To ignore a spelling suggestion in Google Sheets:

  1. Open the tool Spelling checker following the instructions above.
  2. Click on To ignore to go to the next spelling.
  3. You can review all spellings in this way, choosing to change or ignore each one. If you want to stop reviewing, click the X from the upper right corner.
  4. If you want to ignore all instances of a spelling suggestion, click the down arrow and then click ignore all.

add to dictionary

If the spell checker marks a correctly spelled word that you use frequently, you can choose to add it to your personal dictionary. This ensures that the word is not marked as a misspelling the next time you run the spell check.

Is that how it works:

    1. Start the Spell Checker tool as described in the previous section.
    2. Click on Change or Skip to go through all the spelling suggestions, until you reach the one you want to add to your dictionary.
    3. Click on add to dictionary to add the word to your dictionary. Make sure it is spelled correctly, otherwise the spell check tool will ignore this error from now on.
  1. If you want to see what words are currently included in your dictionary, click the down arrow and then click View personal dictionary.
  2. In this window you can add any additional words to your dictionary.
  3. Click on the X in the upper right corner to close the dictionary.

How to check spelling in Google Sheets with a keyboard shortcut

If you regularly use the spell check tool in Google Sheets, a keyboard shortcut can speed things up. By default, there is no keyboard shortcut available for the spell checking tool, but it is a simple task to fix this.

To use a keyboard shortcut to check spelling in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the menu Aid.
  2. now click on Shortcut key combination.
  3. Turn on the switch Enable supported spreadsheet keyboard shortcutseither.
  4. Click on the X in the upper right corner to close the window.
  5. You can now launch the spell check tool by pressing F7 on Windows or Fn + F7 on Mac.

Get more out of Google Sheets

Now that you know how to check spelling in Google Sheets, your spreadsheets will be (almost) always error-free.

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