When creating any kind of document, it is essential check the spelling of this and in Google Sheets we can do it without any kind of problem. The Google spreadsheet tool allows us to check the entire spelling of our document in a matter of seconds.

This is something very important, because, if we are going to deliver a work, the last thing we want is for it to contain some kind of spelling error. Most people would focus on this when we are working with Google Docs or Word. But in spreadsheets, it can also happen to us.

Check spelling in Google Sheets

Luckily, checking spelling in Google Sheets is an easy thing to do. All we’ll do is select the cells we want to check, and then launch the Spell Checker tool.

Select cells.

To get started, we’re going to need to highlight the cells we want to check. If we want to review an entire sheet, we will have to click on the blank area that is in the upper left corner.


Next, we are going to click on Tools in the menu bar at the top.

Check spelling.

We’re going to hover over Spelling and Grammar, and then we’re going to click Spell Check.

How to use the spell checker in Google spreadsheets

The tool allows us to change a word that is spelled incorrectly to the one suggested. In order to do so, we will have to follow these steps.

Change words in Google Sheets.

In case we are satisfied with the suggested correction, we are going to click on the green button that says Change.

Immediately, the following suggestion will appear. We can keep changing the words or ignore the change. At any time it is possible to click on the X in the upper right corner to close the corrector.

In case we don’t want to go one by one, we can do it all at once. Simply, we are going to have to click on the arrow that is pointing down and choose “Change all”.

Another interesting option that the spell checker has is found precisely in this same box and is to be able to add a word to the dictionary by clicking on “Add to dictionary”. This comes in handy when we have to write words such as product brands or specific names.

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