• From time to time, you may come across different natural elevations of the terrain, which could alter your excursion plans, so it is better to find out about their presence in front of you as soon as possible
  • Maps, the Google service, allows us to discover these formations in advance, and it does so regardless of whether we are using the platform from the phone or from the computer

Google Maps is the main map application that we have today, not only because it is present on Android, which means that millions of people have it installed on their mobiles, but also because it is the most efficient. That said, the truth is that few users take advantage of it 100%, and that is why We teach you what are the steps you must follow if you are interested or need how to find elevations on Google Maps.

This is obviously useful, especially if you are moving away from areas you know best, where a higher altitude could surprise you, making it difficult for you to continue on your way, and hindering your chances of reaching your destination.

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It is interesting, on the other hand, that the function to detect elevations in Google Maps is available in the smartphone application as well as in the PC service, and that represents a great advantage, because it means that we will have access to the information from any browserif for some reason the app does not respond.

Before we focus on the procedure to obtain this data, let us tell you that Maps does not show all the elevations, but rather specifically focuses on the natural elevations of nearby land.

How to discover elevations on Google Maps?

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on Android

We believe that most of those interested in this tutorial will want to apply it from the Android operating system.so we are going to start then with the step by step to be carried out directly from there.

  • Open the Google Maps application on your mobile and, at the top, click on the Search here box
  • Write the name of the place you are going to at that time, and wait for the results
  • Once your destination appears, on the right you will see an option called “Layers”
  • Tapping there will open up a Map Type section, so select Terrain, and then press X
  • The map view will change to terrain view. It is recommended that you enlarge everything by pinching the screen
  • When you do this, you will notice details about elevations, such as altitude, but if you get too close they will disappear

As is clear, it is a fairly simple trick, which we can execute in just a few seconds.

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via browser

On the other hand, if you’re getting organized with more time, you may want to use Google Maps from your computer. As we said, you can launch your favorite browser, since it is exactly the same from which you do it.

  • Open Google Maps in your favorite browser and, at the top, click on the Search here box
  • Write the name of the place you are going to at that time, and wait for the results
  • Once your destination appears, on the left you will see an option called “Layers”
  • Clicking there will open a Map Type section. The map view will change to terrain view
  • When you do this, you will notice details about elevations, such as altitude, but if you get too close they will disappear

In summary, there are no big differences between both tutorialsand that is an advantage for us, the users.

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