When we are faced with mistake blue screen nvlddmkm.sys in Windows 10 We seek to solve the problem as soon as possible. The problem is that the cause of the error varies from computer to computer, so the only solution is to try.

Fix nvlddmkm.sys error in Windows 10

Update graphics card drivers

Outdated GPU drivers can cause a lot of problems in Windows. Therefore, the first step would be to update our GPU drivers to verify that they are not causing unnecessary and totally avoidable problems. We can do this in two ways: through the Device Manager or from NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

Check for Windows updates

Older versions of Windows sometimes trigger the nvlddmkm.sys BSOD. If we are running an old version, it is possible that the problem is in the compatibility. In this case, we recommend checking that we do not have any pending updates. If we have it, we must update urgently.

GPU overclocking

Some users have reported that they managed to fix the nvlddmkm.sys error by overclocking their GPU. This may cause a small performance hit, but it’s really worth a try to get this annoying bug out of the way. The best tool to do this is the MSI Afterburner, which we can find by following this link.

After downloading and installing MSI Afterburner we are going to have to look for the Core Clock slider. We’ll adjust the slider and move it to the left until it’s -50 or less. We apply the configuration and restart the computer.

Run a computer disk and memory test

Another reason for this error could be bad memory or a problem with the storage device. In these cases, it is best to rule them out by doing the respective tests.

Windows memory diagnostic tool is very easy to use and solves a lot of memory related problems, let’s see how to use it:

  • Press Windows + R to open the Run window.
  • We will type mfsched.exe and press Enter.
  • In this new window that opens, we can choose whether we want to restart the computer immediately and check the problem or do it manually. In this case we will restart the computer immediately.

We will have to wait for the process to finish and check that the error is solved.

Reinstall the graphics card driver

We should use this option only if the previous ones did not work. It is important to have a system restore point created before proceeding in case something bad happens.

Something that we must take into account is that this solution does not always work. Luckily, the graphics drivers reinstall themselves without us having to do anything.

Press Start and type Device Manager, press Enter. Here we are going to look for Display adapters and we will expand them with the drop-down arrow to the left of it. We right click on the GPU and choose Uninstall device.

In the confirmation window we will have to make sure to check the Delete the driver software for this device box and click OK.

After the uninstall is complete, we’re going to need to download the latest NVIDIA driver, install the drivers, and reboot the computer.

When our computer turns on again, we will have to go to the following path through File Explorer: C:/Windows/System32/Drivers and we will change the name of the nvlddmkm.sys file to nvlddmkm.sys.old

Next, we open the NVIDIA folder located at C:/ProgramFiles/Nvidia and look for a file called nvlddmkm.sys_ and copy it to the System32 folder.

We open a command prompt with Administrator permissions and enter the following command: EXPAND.exe nvlddmkm.sy_ nvlddmkm.sys

After the expansion is complete, copy and paste the newly created nvlddmkm.sys file into the C:/Windows/System32/Drivers folder

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