• Update error 0x8024A004 is quite common when updating Windows 11 22H1 to 22H2
  • As common as it is, we have to know how to avoid it so that it does not ruin our experience
  • What are the causes and potential ways we can get rid of the failure?

Although operating system updates are essential, that does not mean that certain problems cannot occur when downloading and installing them. Users often report this in forums and networks. Recently, to cite one example, a lot There is talk of Windows 11 update error 0x8024A004. let’s see then what are the causes and solutions of this errorand what to do to make him leave you alone.

Basically, users explain that this already known Windows update error 0x8024A004 does not allow them to update the operating system when they want to discard and install a late feature update like since Windows 11 2022so it is likely that if you do not have Windows 11 yet, it will not affect it.

0x8024A004 – WU_E_AU_PAUSED, Automatic Updates was unable to process incoming requests because it was paused.

The above is the message that accompanies the error in questionas if to confirm that you suffer from this one and not another.

What Causes Windows Update Error 0x8024A004?

First things first, and in this case it has to do with the Windows update error 0x8024A004 It mainly arises when upgrading from Windows 11 22H1 to 22H2, and is caused by the Windows Services settings being altered, or one of the update files being corrupted. In fact, this inconvenience has a lot in common with the 0x8024A005 code, which we already talked about.

error 0x8024A004 Windows solver

And how to solve the problem?

Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

Microsoft anticipates these complications, which is why it has developed a Windows Update Troubleshooter. This built-in system tool will attempt to fix issues related to updates:

  • Open Settings from the Start menu
  • Go to System, Troubleshoot
  • Click on Other troubleshooters
  • Go to Windows Update and click the Run button
error 0x8024A004 Windows pauses

This utility will take care of scanning the update for you, and fix any bugs it finds.

Resume Windows Update

In each new version of Windows, automatic updates are more and more protagonists of the environment. Some people prefer to stop the download of each Windows update, and that may be the key to the issue.

If you have updates paused, that may be causing the issues with the update. Make sure first of all that you haven’t paused them, and if so, resume them before you see if that works.

In fact, you can try disabling them and then enabling them again, just in case:

  • Open Settings from the Start menu
  • Click on Windows Update from the sidebar
  • Check if you have paused the updates and, if so, click on Resume updates; while if this is not the case, click on Pause for a week, and then on Resume updates

As simple as it may seem, there are many who realize that this was the solution to their problems.

error 0x8024A004 Windows list services

Check the status of all Windows Update related services

The status of Windows Update-related services is essential for performing updates. Generally, the default settings in Windows 10 or Windows 11 are as follows:

  • Windows Update Service: Manual (On)
  • Windows Update Medic Services – Manual
  • Windows Installer – Manual.
  • Cryptographic Services – Automatic
  • Background Intelligent Transfer Service – Manual
  • DCOM Server Process Launcher: Automatic
  • RPC Endpoint Mapper – Automatic

You should check that everything is as shown above, and you can do it by typing Service in the search box that has the taskbar, checking not only that they are seen but that they are configured that way.

Use DISM to repair Windows Update components

If all services are working as they should, you should run DISM to repair Windows Update components. To do so, you have to open Command Prompt as administrator and now run the following command:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Once the command is executed, the issue should be resolved. If not, do it with the following:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:RepairSourceWindows /LimitAccess

This second procedure takes some time, so you’d better be patient. and don’t close it.

Reset Windows Update Components

The DISM command is capable of repairing Windows components, but sometimes it can fail to do its job. When that happens, we must delete the Windows Update components so that they are created automatically.

Reset and to their default values, trying the update again should not fail. Then you have to reset the components, and then start the update in Windows Update.

Install Windows 11 22H2 from its ISO

If none of the above worked, the last possible way out is to take advantage of the Windows 11 22H2 ISO file, installing it via its ISO file on your computer, downloading it, and then running it from the location where it was stored and following the instructions on the screen that the process shows.

This isn’t so much a solution as a workaround, but still an option you should consider whenever your computer seems unable to upgrade from Windows 11 22H1 to 22H2 on its own.

Have you been able to fix the update error 0x8024A004 in Windows with these tricks?

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