• Installing Linux apps on Chromebook is an interesting alternative on these devices
  • Chrome OS favors the execution of this type of software, executable in two ways
  • How to download, enable and enjoy Linux applications on these computers?

Google’s Chromebook computers are slowly gaining ground in the market, and that means that many users are trying to find out what their potential is and what ways are there to take full advantage of them. Whenever you wonder how to install native Linux apps on your Chromebook, in this article we review what are the two ways to do it that exist and why you should know this trick.

The point is, your Chromebook probably does everything you want it to do, and its programs and extensions might seem like enough, but if you’re used to any of the Linux apps, you’ll want to add them.

Luckily, we have the command line and a number of Chrome OS-compatible software, which for some Chromebook customers will mean the chance to experience Linux apps for the first time. Who tells you, maybe in the future you will go for Linux as the main operating system if you like the applications.

How to enable Linux apps on Chrome OS?

The idea of ​​enabling Linux apps on Chrome OS might sound difficult, but it’s not at all.. You just have to make sure that your Chromebook is up to date and, if it is, go to the Settings section. Inside it, type Linux in the search box, click Activate and follow the visible prompts. After a few seconds, you’ll see a message that Linux apps have already been enabled.


How to install Linux apps on Chromebook

in the simplest way

The most direct way to enjoy Linux apps on Chromebook is to install themno more.

Just do the test with any file with a .deb extension, since these they run seamlessly within any Debian Linux environment, which many versions of Linux are based on… and Chrome OS. Such tests sometimes work, and then we will not have to do anything other than take advantage of the apps.

In general, this is enough when we don’t need any dependencies installed.the name of those files that are used for things like designing the user interface of apps or for data sets.

Slack, one of the best productivity tools out there, is a good sample of these apps. We talk about her because the Android version is much inferior, in its benefits, to the desktop version. We recommend installing the .deb extension because the difference between the two is noticeableand a lot.

The steps to follow to run these apps, in summary, are the following:

  • Find the .deb file of the application you want to install
  • Download the .deb file of the application and go to Downloads
  • Inside this folder, click on it and follow the instructions
  • After a few seconds, the application will appear among all installed
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in the most complex way

If the application you need does not get installed with this procedure, there is still another that could help you. Again, don’t worry about we are going to show you which lines you must complete in Linux Terminal. Before, it is important to clarify that Linux Terminal is the powerful equivalent of CMD or PowerShell in Windows.

By enabling Linux applications on your Chromebook, this platform became active, so it’s a matter of using it. To use it correctly, you will have to take the trouble to find application package name. From the Google search engine you can do it, writing the name of the app followed by the word “deb”.

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Then, open the Linux Terminal in Chrome OS, and follow the tutorial that we detail below:

  • In the Linux Terminal, type apt-get install “PACKAGE_NAME” and hit Enter
    • You will see detailed information about the dependencies to be installed
  • Type Y to confirm that you want to install them and wait for it to finish

In the above procedure, we installed GIMP, one of the best GNU image manipulation programs. Evidently, the trick is similar with any other app, and the only thing that changes is the name of the .deb.

Capture linux

Perhaps, rummaging through the Internet, you see someone advise you to type a -Y on this command line. Basically, that means that all processes will be executed without asking you about them again.. Instead, we suggest that you read the fine print of executions carefully to avoid any nasty surprises.

Have you been able to install Linux apps on Chromebook? Which ones do you consider essential?

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