To the join the Windows Insider program we can test new features that take too long to be available in the version we all know of the operating system. What most Windows users have installed is a stable version that has gone through different stages of testing and fixes.

Windows Insider is a program that allows us to access many updates that are not yet available, although we will have to deal with possible errors in the operating system. This is because the idea of ​​this program is to test new features and report bugs to fix them.

Some things to consider

If our computer has Windows 10 or Windows 11, we can be part of the Windows Insider program. The good thing about this is that it is not something permanent, at any time we can choose to stop being part of it. The program is focused on those people who like to try new things, experiment and report any bugs they find.

In this way, we would be using software in a beta state, which means that it is under test and not stable. Although we will also receive new software, before other people. The only negative is the possibility of finding some errors. Microsoft does not recommend using this software on a primary computer; ideally it should be on a separate PC.

When we activate this function, if we want to return to the stable versions of the operating system, we will have to format the computer’s hard drive.

Join the Windows Insider Program

In order to be part of the program it is necessary to log in to our PC with a Microsoft account, we cannot use a local account. The account also has to be part of the Windows Insider Program.

We’ll make sure we’re logged in. We are going to have to go to Settings > Accounts > Information and use the option to convert the local account to a Microsoft account.

Once logged in, we will go to the web officetial of Windows Insider from a web browser and we will log in with the Microsoft account (the same one we have on our PC). We are going to click on Register to be able to join the program, this is totally free.

After doing this, we are going to open the Settings app on a Windows 10 PC where we have signed in with the Microsoft account. We go to Update and security> Windows Insider Program. In the case of Windows 11 we will have to go to Settings and from here, we go to Windows Update> Windows Insider Program.

We click Start to start. We’ll be prompted to sign in with a Microsoft account that’s already linked to the program from the web (which we did earlier).

Join the Windows Insider Program.

In case something prevents us from joining the Insider program, he will give us a detailed report about it. The Settings application will help us to change any kind of configuration that is opportune. On some occasions, there may be hardware-related issues.

Choose an update channel

After joining the Windows Insider Program, we will be offered various update channels. Microsoft tells us about these channels in detail. The Dev channel is the most unstable, the Beta went through more tests and the Release Preview we could say that it is practically stabilized, although with some errors.

Choose update channel.

In case we are not totally sure, we recommend starting with Release Preview which is relatively stable. Although we can always change to one of the others.

How to get out of Windows Insider, stop receiving insider builds

It is not complicated at all to leave the Insider program, we simply go to Settings> Update and security> Windows Insider Program. Here we will have to choose Stop Insider builds in order to remove our PC from the list.

Nor will we have to log out with our account, with this option Windows will only install internal builds on our PC that are stable. In a very few steps we will have to completely reinstall Windows 10 or Windows 11 after leaving the Insider builds.

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