Footnotes are a useful tool in academic documents as a reference to books or other documents. You can also use footnotes as a way to apply a footnote to something you’ve said without interrupting the flow of your text.

Microsoft Word allows you to apply footnotes to any page of the document. However, there is a problem. If footnotes are too long, Word will move them to another page.

This can create confusion, especially in longer documents. If you want to know how to keep footnotes in Word, follow this guide.

Why are my footnotes moving to another page in Microsoft Word?

If your footnotes keep moving to another page in Word, it’s because the content of the footnote is too large for the footer. Your page margins may be too small or the font size may be too large.

However, in most cases, it’s usually because the footnote itself can cause the page content of your document to be affected by the footnote. Instead of the footnote pushing the page text onto a new page, the footnote itself will be moved, ensuring that your page content is not affected.

If you need to, you can change this behavior in the document settings.

How to keep footnotes on the same page in Microsoft Word

If you want to keep your footnotes on a single page, you’ll need to adjust the way Word applies line and page breaks to your footer.

To keep footnotes on the same page in Word:

  1. Open your Word document.
  2. Select your footnote near the footer.
  3. Right-click the footnote and select Paragraph.
  4. Select the tab Lines and page breaks.
  5. Click to check the box Keep lines together.
  6. If you want to apply this change to all your documents in the future, click set as default.
  7. Press To accept to save.

With the option to keep lines together activated, your footnote will not be broken.

How to Separate Footnotes in Word

If you add footnotes to a Word document, by default they will use all the free space available on the page. Once the free space is exhausted, the footnotes will scroll to the next page.

If you’ve changed this setting and aren’t sure how to reset it, you can separate footnotes in Word by following these steps.

To separate footnotes in Word:

  1. Open your Word document.
  2. Select your footnote.
  3. Right-click and tap Paragraph.
  4. Select the tab Lines and page breaks.
  5. Uncheck the box Keep lines together.
  6. Press set as default (if you want) and then press To accept to save.

Once you press To acceptyour settings will revert to the Word defaults.

Creation of academic documents in Microsoft Word

Using the steps above, you can quickly manipulate your footnotes in Word. If you want to know how to keep footnotes in Word, our guide above should solve the problem.

Word is perfect for creating academic documents, whatever your specialty. You can easily use different academic style guidelines, such as MLA-format and the APA format.

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