• There is no single or direct way to know if you have been blocked on the Snapchat social network
  • Certain clues can help you find out if someone has indeed blocked you
  • We answer these questions and many others that appear when the blockade exists

If the main social platforms have focused on something in recent times, it is the possibility of allowing users to stop having contact with someone if they want to. As in the other networks, you will not be notified about it, but you can still find out how to know if you have been blocked on Snapchat with simple tricks.


You probably already know this, but Snapchat is a very popular service that allows users to easily post clips, sending them to other users or sharing them on your profile just like on TikTok or Instagram. Its best days may be over, but it’s also true that it still has millions of users.

The point is, as the networks are a fickle environment, in which some people can act out of character, hurting someone out of spite without really considering the consequences. If you think you may have been blocked by a contact on Snapchat, read on to learn how to verify it yourself..

How to find out if you’ve been blocked on Snapchat?

In appearance, a deleted account acts very similar to one that has blocked you, but there are several differences. Repairing all the elements that we are going to discuss below, you should be able to distinguish them.

Check your Snapchat contact list

The easiest way to tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat is to check your contact list. If they were there but no longer appear, it is very possible that they have blocked you, or that they have at least removed you as a contact.

  • Open the Snapchat app and tap the search bar at the top of the screen
  • Find the contact you think might have blocked you from the list
  • If they deleted you you should be able to add them back to your contacts. If I block you, you usually won’t be able to.

send him a message

If you’ve chatted with that person in the past, try sending them messages again to see if they receive them. Generally, a contact who has blocked you will not show old messages or receive new ones.

blocked snapchat 2

Use a secondary account

It is not recommended, but in desperate circumstances you can resort to creating a secondary account. Assuming you don’t have mutual friends with the contact who can intercede, this is another way of trying to reach the person in a roundabout way. Of course, the idea is that someone does not know the second account.

Check if he follows you

Finding out if someone has followed you on Snapchat is much easier and more definitive than trying to find out if they blocked you. Since being followed is something positive, the network will notify you of this, and that is because all the platforms want to encourage that positive feedback cycle.. Therefore, this will be easier for you.


blocked snapchat follows you
  • Search for their name in the app, and tap and hold on their username
  • In the popup menu press the profile photo and once on that page you will see your Snapscore
blocked Snapchat score

If not, it doesn’t follow you. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing if someone isn’t following you.; it could simply mean that they haven’t made it yet. They may not use the network as much as you do. Keep trying.

Other frequently asked questions

Does Snapchat tell you if you’ve been blocked?

No. You won’t receive alerts or notifications if you’ve been blocked, so you’ll need to review the tips above to come to a conclusion. If you don’t see any information about the profile, it is likely that you have been blocked.

Can I block someone on Snapchat who has already blocked me?

No, since you won’t be able to see his profile, you won’t have the option to block him if he blocked you first. If you do not want the other person to have the option of unblocking you, you will have to check their profile periodically and block them if they ever unblock you and then block them.

The good news is that you will receive a notification that he has followed you back, so you will know immediately.

Can I report someone who blocked me?

You can contact Snapchat Support and comment on what the situation has been, so you should get some screenshots for your report. Remember that the other user will be informed about it.

I was talking to someone and now their profile has disappeared, what happened?

If nothing makes you suspicious of the block, that profile may have been removed for violating the Terms of Service. Generally, it is a blockage, but in some cases the explanation could well be a ban.


Although being locked out can be frustrating, it’s not the end of the world. Try to contact the person in another way.

Have you discovered if you have been blocked on Snapchat with these tricks? Do you usually block other users?

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