We are taking pictures all the time and sharing them on Instagram, among other social networks. Although we usually do a little editing, maybe add a filter and nothing else. However, when we have many photographs, what can we do? Can make an collage and in iPhone either iPad it is very easy to get it.

Make a collage on iPhone and iPad

Use “Instagram Layout” to create photo collages

Make a Collage on iPhone or iPad

Layout from Instagram or Layout from Instagram is a free collage maker with many options. If we need an app to make collages in an intuitive and eye-catching way, then Instagram is what we need. It will allow us to mix up to 9 images and choose one of its numerous designs.

Save or share.

The first thing we will have to do is open Layout frm Instagram from our iOS device. Then we are going to select the images from the photo library; we will have to select the desired layout and edit the collage using the available tools like flip, mirror, borders, etc. When we finish adjusting everything, we are simply going to click on “Save” in the upper right corner.

Then we can share the Photo collage on Facebook or Instagram. If we want to save the collage on our device, we will only have to click on “More” and choose where we want to save it.

Make photo collages with Google Photos

Collage in Google Photos.

The first thing we will do is open Google Photos (we must download it if you don’t have it installed). We’re going to press and hold an image to enter selection mode; after this we can choose up to 9 photos. Once we have them selected, we are going to click on the “+” sign to add them and then we choose “Collage” in the menu.

Share result.

Now we are going to hit the edit icon at the bottom and we can make use of the various tools available to customize the collage. Once we do this, we press the “Share” button and we will be able to save or share the collage using the means we want: WhatsApp, Telegram, social networks, etc.

Using PicCollage

Create collage on iOS.

We open PicCollage and we go to “My collages” in the lower right corner of the screen. On the next page we will click on the “+” sign that is in the center of the screen.

Select photos.

We’re going to choose the collage layout we want and then fill it in with the photos we want to use. Simply, we will have to press a section and we will choose Add photo, we will choose images from the camera roll.

So we can create a collage on iPhone and iPad

After choosing all the photos, we can use a different background, stickers or add text to personalize the collage. When we finish, the only thing left to do is click on “Done” in the upper right corner of the screen and we can save it on our device or share it on the available platforms.

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