• Microsoft claims that Windows 11 is the best version of Windows for typical users gamer
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As a fan of video games, you obviously want to have the best experience when running any of them. Windows 10 has provided us with a solid foundation for our favorite titles for years, but Microsoft claims that the latest version of its operating system is better for gaming, so it’s time to find out how to optimize the performance of games in Windows 11 through a few simple configuration changes..

In fact, despite some criticisms that are never lacking, in general Windows 11 adoption is being good, even among those who use their PC mainly to enjoy the video games that most appeal to them. Based on this, we not only encourage you to update the operating system, but also to customize it for you.

Keys to improve gaming performance in Windows 11

Total, We have listed seven keys to improve gaming performance in Windows 11 Since although there are many others that you should consider, we believe that the bulk of the improvement is due to these.

Activate game mode

Windows 11 game mode is one of the great allies we have when it comes to having fun. What the system does is disable background activities that demand resources, allocating absolutely all its capacity to the game and even preventing notifications from appearing.

You can turn it on from Settings, Games, and in the navigation panel, toggle the switch to On.

optimize games windows 11 game mode

Allocate resources to the GPU

On the same game mode screen, you can click on the graphic elements and enter a specific default setting, which you can then change depending on the title you’re running and its requirements.

Whenever high-resolution gaming is involved, a high-performance GPU setup is best.

Turn off enhanced pointer precision

By default, Windows aims to elevate the user experience by improving the accuracy of the mouse pointer. However, this could conflict with many games, since some games also seek to improve mouse pointer accuracy in their own ways. Ideally these attempts should not overlap.

On the Pointer Options tab, uncheck the box next to the Improve pointer precision feature.

optimize games Windows 11 precision cursor

Update GPU drivers

GPU drivers are constantly updated in order to be reliable and have fewer failures. A serious mistake that we may be making is to ignore them and not update them when they are available.

In general, graphics cards from AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel perform better with their updated drivers.. Make sure to run all your driver updates before starting each new game.

Update Windows 11 regularly

Similarly, updating Windows 11 is essential to avoid security gaps and low performance. Microsoft works so that its operating system is up to the task, but you have to help them by updating it when possible. Disabling updates and not checking them is not a good idea.

Disable unnecessary apps

If your computer is full of unnecessary applications, and even worse if they are running, your games will suffer. You have to immediately get rid of all the useless programs that you have accumulated on your computer.

The less software coexists with your games, the greater the chances that you will be satisfied with its performance.so go to the Control Panel and get rid of those that only get in the way.

Enable an optimized power plan

To take your gaming fluidity to the next level, enabling an optimized power plan is a must. You will notice that your PC comes with a balanced power, which is advisable to change to “high performance”.

Surely in laptops this will mean that the battery of the equipment lasts lessbut you are going to entertain yourself by really enjoying the best user experience that can be achieved for each game released.

optimize games windows 11 power plan


Playing your favorite titles on PC is easier than ever thanks to Windows 11 and its constant updates. Although your experience should be perfect from the start, it is possible that you will notice an obvious improvement once you have applied the modifications that we leave you, so do not hesitate to carry them out one at a time.

Have you managed to optimize the performance of games in Windows 11 with these little tricks that we teach you?

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