• Password managers and information custodians dominate Internet payments
  • Payment processors and browsers insist on collecting credit card data
  • How to save credit card information to sleep peacefully at night?

If you usually buy things online, you probably don’t need anyone to explain that certain magic solutions, like password managers and information repositories, are all the rage. Starting from that base we must ask ourselves, how to protect credit card data?

It is that credit cards continue to be one of the majority forms of payment, and more in these days of inflation. Paying our acquisitions up to 30 days after having made them, or in installments without interest, we can save large amounts of money beyond the fact that it is an option with which we must be careful.

But consuming beyond your means is not the only risk you run when you pay with this alternative. On the other hand, you have to be be cautious or cautious with online purchases with credit cards because lately these portals have certain systems to store the information of the cards.

Easier… but more insecure

As users, this is a convenience function, since in the future we will not need to write the full credit card number or other information that is requested of us, but it is also a danger in terms of security.

On the other hand, information about Internet users is also important to many companieswho use this data to target targeted advertising around those kinds of products they know they spend on.

Now, even if we leave companies and their payment providers out for a moment, we would also see how some of the most used browsers recommend us to manage our passwords.

By now, the functions we describe are compatible with virtually any program.

as users we should consider whether it is a good idea to trust password managers and information repositories and, if we think the answer is no, find out about possible solutions.

This is how you should store credit card information

The main argument of these applications to save credit card numbers and data is convenience. The users they don’t have to have their credit cards with them to make purchases, once substantial information about them is saved, although some portals request at least the security code.

Password managers and browsers encrypt data and support additional security features, such as two-factor authentication, that have a very specific goal: to protect data.

One argument against saving credit card information, in browsers or in administrators, is that we are adding another potential vulnerability to those that already exist, which does not make much sense.

Keep in mind, if you want to protect your credit card details, that these browsers and administrators also do not offer 100% reliability, as was evident last year with the LastPass hack. Undoubtedly, these services can fall into the wrong hands and, with them, sensitive data.

Browsers are not more advisable

Browsers share some problems with online password managers, especially since they keep data in the cloudexposing them to an attack against those servers revealing them.

In addition to security concerns, there are additional reasons to skip those “save card online” suggestions. every time you run into them, something that will happen to you more and more frequently.

In fact, you will noticed that the number of sellers that, even for free trials, asks you to add your credit card information is increasingwith the drawback that we can forget to unsubscribe it.

Although users can choose different payment options to have more control of the processing, generally our card details are saved makes us buy compulsively. Recent research says that more than 80% of American adults buy without thinking.

Likewise, it can be argued that someone with access to a PC, mobile phone or tablet will be able to make purchases using the stored payment information, which will open the doors to third-party purchases, such as the usual news from the boy who took one of his parents’ devices, and spent thousands of dollars in insecure transactions.

In summary, we believe that it is best to avoid saving more than your payment information, so that they ask you for the code. Leaving the security code as the last frontier for your peace of mind, you will reduce the margin of scams.

How do you usually protect your credit card data? Do you take some extra measures to those mentioned?

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