• If you use Chrome, surely you have a few bookmarks saved to easily refer to them
  • Google has not said anything about it, but it seems that some bookmarks disappear
  • What causes the failure and how to recover those bookmarks saved in your Chrome session?

Favorites are essential to have a pleasant user experience in our preferred browser. They don’t normally cause problems, but since some users report that they become unavailable without explanation in the Google browser, we believe that it is better that you learn how to recover disappeared Chrome bookmarks through a series of steps aimed at finding the cause of the problem.

Indeed, according to what these people detail both in forums and on social networks, without much justification all the favorites that they have been saving in their Chrome session disappear and that, as you can imagine, are essential for those who work or study and trust in this Chromium-based browser.

Chrome bookmarks are gone, how do I get them back?

As in many other circumstances, the solution to this error depends on its cause, so the wisest thing we can do is go over the potential problems, ruling them out one by one.

Sign in to your Google account

This browser has a feature that allows you to sync all your data including bookmarks, history, Chrome extensions, etc. to your Google account, so if you do not log in you will not be able to access them.

So, you have to make sure that the same account that has those favorites saved is open.

Restore your bookmarks from another browser

If you have taken the trouble to export your favorites from Chrome to some other browser, then you can also import those marked portals from the other programs, a procedure that we develop in this link.

recover chrome 2 bookmarks

Create a new user profile with new favorites

you have to know that Chrome saves user profile data in the Users folder on drive C. You can access it from C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data.

Copy the full path and paste it into the File Explorer address bar, then press Enter. The AppData folder should open, with other subfolders appearing within it. Of these, the Local is interested. Inside it go to Google, Chrome, User Data,

Rename bookmarks file

If that solution does not solve the problem, it is possible to get rid of the problem in an unconventional way. You have to change the name of the Bookmarks folder, within your user profile, by following these steps:

Inside your folder look for the Bookmarks.bak file, which contains the bookmarks backup. Rename the bookmarks file to Bookmarks.old and then the Bookmarks.bak to Bookmarks. Remember that you have to do it with Chrome closed, and start it again to see if this takes effect.

Perform a system restore

If despite all the bookmarks file cannot be seen in the user’s profile folder, there is no more to do. You have two options, and surely none of them will please you, but they are the only possible solutions.

You can say goodbye to your bookmarks permanently and save them one by one, or restore the system. Some of the victims of the disappearance of their favorites in Chrome claim that they were able to recover them after restoring the system, and that is why we are proposing it to you as one more solution to this type of problem.

It is key that, when performing the system restore, you select a restore point prior to the problem. Otherwise, not only will you not recover the bookmarks, but you will also lose the customization of the system.

Is it worth a system restore to recover Chrome bookmarks? Only you can answer it.

And what about MacOS?

If you have suffered the loss of Chrome bookmarks but you do not have a computer with Windows operating system but an Apple Mac computer, there’s still a chance you’ll get your browser bookmarks back. You’ll need to have a Time Machine backup, but if you do, consider yourself lucky.

  • Using a working cable, connect your Time Machine drive to your Mac and go to System Preferences
  • Once there, launch the Time Machine app and enable the Show Time Machine option in the menu bar
  • The Time Machine interface will launch, from which you can navigate and select data to recover. Obviously we care about the bookmarks in this case, so select it and restore it
recover chrome 4 bookmarks

Have you been able to recover your Chrome bookmarks with this series of tricks?

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