• Discarding blank rows in your Excel documents is essential, both for aesthetics and for use, so it is convenient that you master some of the procedures that exist for it
  • If you want to avoid problems with data ranges, more than anything with built-in tools, you have to go to the trouble of deleting those blank rows, discarding those imperfections

Mastering each of the main aspects of spreadsheet programs is essential for each file created on these platforms to be perfect. In this sense, eliminating blank rows in Excel is a good way to discard useless cells, so they don’t get in the way, and allow you to focus on what’s important. Find out below, then, the methods to remove blank rows in Excel step by step.

On the other hand, it must also be said that these blank rows not only represent an aesthetic issue, but can affect the use of the application, preventing other integrated tools from properly recognizing each data range, which will force us to specify those table ranges manually wasting more time.

Beyond the reasons and the reasons that we can consider, in this article you will find the expected solution for this common obstacle of using Excel, so do not hesitate to continue reading to get a deeper insight.

How to remove blank rows in Excel step by step?


If you only have a couple of blank rows to delete, you may want to do it manually. By applying this tutorial, you will get rid of those blank rows that could get in your way in the future:

  • Select the blank rows you want to delete, holding down the Ctrl key to do so
  • Once the rows are selected, right click on any cell, and go to Delete
  • In that section, click Delete sheet rows, then confirming that this is the action
delete blank rows Excel 1.5
If you only have a couple of blank rows to delete, it may be best to do it manually.

You can eventually go to Delete from the ribbon, under the Home tab, which won’t alter that result. Also you can press Ctrl + “-“, which will delete the rows as if you had selected and deleted them yourself.

With the Find command

The Find command allows us to fix many of the things that aren’t turning out the way we want in Windows. Obviously, you can take advantage of this command to delete multiple blank rows in Excel if you want:

  • Select a column in your spreadsheet that contains blank rows
  • Press Ctrl + F to open the Find and Replace box
  • Select the Search tab and click Options to open the advanced menu
  • In the Search box do not write anything, but just click on Match all the contents of the cell
  • Then choose Values ​​and Find, to get a view of all blank cells in this document
  • Select all rows with Ctrl + A, and close the Find box so it doesn’t interfere
  • With the cells selected, right-click and Delete

As is clear, this is a more interesting proposal if there are many blank rows contemplated.

With the function Go to special

The Go To Special function is the newest alternative we have in Excel to remove blank rows. Some users will understand that it is the most efficient response to the problems raised in this text:

  • Select the data range that includes all blank rows
  • Select the first cell, and hold down the Shift key until the last cell is selected
  • Open the Home section on the ribbon, and click the Find & Select dropdown menu, and Go to Special
  • In this new menu, click the button next to Blanks, and click OK
  • With all the blank rows already selected by the system, press Ctrl + «-«
delete blank rows excel 2
Also, there are semi-automatic options like Go to special, so that blank rows disappear from view

If you have your Office package updated, we advise you to stay with this tutorial because it is the simplest.

You can now remove blank rows in Excel

Blank rows are not always bad nor will they necessarily harm our Excel documents. Likewise, we recommend that you delete them whenever you have the possibility to do so, just in case.

We have described some of the manual and semi-automatic modes that we have available for this task. You will probably find in one of them the solution you were looking for for all your files.

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