If we have used the function of closing all the tabs of Google Chrome for mobile devices, we may notice that there is no easy way to restore multiple closed tabs at once in chrome for android.

Chrome allows you to separate tabs into groups by default, it is useful because it allows us to close a group that contains several tabs. The tab change menu includes an option to be able to close all the ones that are open, which would be another option to close several tabs at the same time.

Although, there is the possibility to restore tabs individually in Chrome for Android. Until now, we couldn’t find a way to restore all the tabs that had been closed at once.

In the latest versions, Google added a lot of cool features to its Android browser. We can take full screenshots, enable reading list and a very interesting one is the possibility of massively restoring tabs. In this way, we can recover all those closed tabs and tab groups quickly and easily.

Restore multiple closed tabs at once in Chrome for Android

Use Google Chrome flags.

We open Chrome on Android, we will have to go to the address bar, we proceed to write “chrome://flags” and we give Enter. Now we have to find Bulk restore of recent tabsin English it would be Recent Tabs Bulk Restore.

We’re going to need to make sure it’s Enabled in the dropdown menu to the right of the option. Next, we are going to click on Restart to be able to restart the web browser.

In order to be able to restore closed Chrome tabs in bulk after restart, we will do the following:

  • We select Menu> Recent tabs in Google Chrome.
  • Chrome will display a list of recently closed tabs, including tab groups. Simply, we are going to have to press one of the groups to restore all the included tabs.

Remember that if you have any questions about recovering several closed tabs at the same time in Chrome for Android, you can leave it in the comment box that you will find a little further down and we will be happy to help you in any way we can.

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