In the same way as you I spend too much time on Instagram and I start to see many posts that I definitely like Did you know that these are saved and we can consult them whenever we want? That’s right, Instagram saves all the publications that we liked in a specific section of our profile. In this way, we can like to save some publication and consult it later. It is very useful!
See posts I like on Instagram
We open the application and go to our profile, for this we are going to use the bottom bar and click on the icon of our profile. Next, we are going to have to click on the menu with three horizontal lines that is in the upper right. We will see a pop-up menu and here, we will look for the option Your activity.
Next, we are going to have to go to Interactions and choose Likes so that we can see all the posts that I like on Instagram.
In this section we are going to see all the publications that we have liked to date, here not only images are included, but also videos, photos and Reels. It is possible to sort the posts from recent to old and vice versa, specify a duration and even filter by specific users. All we have to do is click in the upper right corner on Sort and filter.
See what my friends like
As we will be able to appreciate, seeing the publications that we like is quite easy. But can you see the posts that our friends like? Until October 2009 this was possible thanks to a tab called Following.
We currently don’t have a way to verify posts that others like. However, Alessandro Paluzzi, a reverse application engineer, found that the company is likely to be working on bringing this feature back, though we’ll have to wait.
At the moment, the only way is to just manually view the follower list and manually check other people’s posts to see if our friend liked it. Obviously, this is useful when we are looking for something too specific, but in many cases it is a headache.