• Having access to the applications that are running at any given time is key in Android
  • Especially if your smartphone does not have enough RAM, it is better to stop those apps
  • How is the trick if I want to be aware of the processes that gobble up the resources?

Although it is true that in recent years the smartphone industry has taken leaps and bounds in its idea of ​​offering devices with plenty of power, even in the low ranges, it is also true that the apps we use daily are becoming more and more claimants. Having said that, Knowing how to see running apps on Android will allow you to discover which applications consume mobile resources and close them on time.

The interesting thing about the case is that this feature wasn’t enabled until a few months ago, but it’s a big new thing in Android 13the latest available version of the operating system created by Google.

By launching it, we will be able to quickly find out what applications are running, and that makes a lot of sense because there are plenty of situations in which there are apps that remain active even when we thought they were closedand by ignoring the information we can force the RAM too much.

See the apps running on Android step by step

Seeing the apps running on Android will not take you more than a second and, when you get used to it, you won’t even have to review what the steps are to do it, because you will adopt them as if they came from years ago.

  • On the home screen of your Android, swipe down on the top of it
  • After the notification panel opens, swipe down once more
  • Press the arrow that points to the right, at the bottom of the screen
running apps android 2

Immediately A pop-up window will open, with all the active applications at that moment. You simply have to click on Stop if you want any of the apps to stop consuming resources.

running apps Android 3

What if I don’t have Android 13?

Now, if your device has Android 12 or an earlier version of this operating system, you may be wondering what you can do to see the apps running on Android while you wait for Android 13 to arrive or, given the certainty that it will not arrive. Unfortunately, we don’t have good news for the users in this case.

The problem is that Google always prioritizes its Pixel terminals when it comes to releasing OS updates. Even when it was, most manufacturers that use Android, with honorable exceptions like Samsung, tend to have a disastrous update policyreleasing the new Android late and sometimes badly.

One conclusion we can draw from this is that If it is important to you to be the first to take advantage of all the new features that Google incorporates into Android, you should get one of its Pixel models..

If you don’t have one of these phones, there are several that could be recommended, such as the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. Also the last generation of the Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro and Pixel 6a -mid-range- are very worthwhile. We also wait for the Pixel 7a to be presented on the market during the first half of 2023.

These smartphones may not show the most spectacular technical sheet, but their cameras are the best we can find for the price they have, and OS updates are immediate and seamless. And to that we add that Google has worked on the design of its mobiles to make them more pleasant/attractive. Today there are no excuses like before to think that other Android manufacturers are superior, because they are not.

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