• For a variety of reasons, you may at some point need to contact a Slack server. You should know that there are different ways to do it, and that everything will depend on the type of plan you have
  • Based on these reasons, and considering the plan you have contracted, one of the following methods will allow you to contact the servers of this service and clear up your doubts

If you have been using this communication platform for work environments and you are wondering how to send an email to Slack, more specifically to a Slack server, you should know that there are several effective solutions for this problem, so we are going to discover them, detailing how cases you can use them.

Office instant messaging is a great way for teams to stay in touch, and in many ways it’s a much-needed upgrade to traditional email services. Unfortunately, this also means that we must learn some of the tricks and secrets they have.

In short, without further ado, there is Four ways to send an email to Slack, all of them useful.

Send an email to Slack step by step

Create an email address for a channel (paid plans)

The first way we have to get out of trouble is to create an email address for a specific Slack channel. When you create this email, you will be able to send emails to this address and have them appear in the Slack channel. In other words, it’s like a forwarding address for Slack..

  • Open the Slack app on the desktop
  • Go to the channel you want to send the emails to
  • Click on the name of the channel and on the arrow next to it
  • In the popup that appears, click on Integrations
  • Click on Send emails to this channel
  • Select Get Email Address
  • Copy the email address somewhere safe, so you don’t forget or lose it
  • Write the email and set the address provided by Slack as the recipient
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Install the email app for Slack (paid plans)

You may not know it, but there are apps available to use exclusively in Slack. These apps can expand the functionality of Slack, adding features that can make it much more powerful. As you may have guessed, there is a Slack app for emails.

  • Click on this link to download the app in question, with the correct workspace chosen
  • Tap Add to Slack, and click the dropdown menu next to Post to Channel
  • Choose the person or channel you want to send the emails to
  • Click on Add email integration to generate a unique address
  • When sending emails to this unique address, they will be sent to the configured channel or person
  • Click Save to store this information in the future

Use an additional email (all plans)

Plugins for Slack are like apps, only they do not require a paid plan, and that is their advantage.

The drawback of this method is that nothing else can be done with certain email accounts. Only emails created with a Slack plugin will be available. We could say that it is an internal tool, which requires downloading Slack for Gmail here.

  • With Slack for Gmail already downloaded, you should see the icon for this platform in your email
  • Click on a new email and write a draft, logging into Slack and connecting
  • Once connected, you can forward those drafts and emails to whoever you want in Slack

You can do something similar by downloading Slack for Outlook herealthough it integrates better with Gmail.

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Forward an email to your DM using Slackbot (all plans)

The last method is to use Slackbot, a simple Artificial Intelligence system that comes with Slack and that makes it easy to perform specific tasks, such as sending an email to Slack channels.

  • Open the Slack app on the desktop
  • Click on your profile picture, in the upper right corner
  • Select the Preferences menu, then Messages and Multimedia on the left
  • Go to the bottom of the window, and click on Get a shipping address
  • Copy the address to send emails to your own Slack account
  • Once received, you can share them with whoever you want or save them


These are all the methods that we have right now to be able to send emails to particular Slack channels or servers. As you will see, there is one for each user class. Do you have yours?

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