As in any social network, it is possible to stop seeing anyone’s publications. For that it is necessary unfollow people on Instagram; just a little further down we will see a guide for you to learn how to achieve this in a simple way.

How to unfollow someone on Instagram

From our mobile phone, we will have to open the Instagram application to stop following the people we want. For this we will have to press in the lower right part of the screen, we will press on the icon that has our profile photo.

People we are following.

Next, we will be in our profile picture and we will have to click on “Following” in the upper right corner of the screen.

Stop following.

It will send us to a new list, here we will have to find the account that we want to stop following. Once we find it, we will simply click on “Following”.

We have already unfollowed a person on Instagram.

Instantly, Instagram will remove that account from the “Following” list. Now the “Following” option automatically becomes “Follow”, which means that we successfully no longer follow that person on the social network.

Stop following.

In case we want to stop following someone from that person’s profile, we simply touch the “Following” button and select “Unfollow” in the menu that opens.

How to do it from the Instagram web

Instagram profile.

In case you want to do it from a web browser, then the first thing we will have to do is log in to the Web from Instagram. Next, we are going to click on the upper right corner of the website (on our profile picture).


A menu with several options is displayed, the one that interests us is the one that says “Profile” and this will take us directly to our profile.


Once we are in our profile, we will have to click on “Followers” and we will be able to see all the people we follow.


A window opens and we will have to look for that person we do not want to follow anymore. Then we will click on “Following”.

Stop following.

A message will open that gives us the option to “Stop following”, we simply click on that option and that’s it; in this way we can confirm the choice.

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