• Chrome OS allows you to remove useless applications in just a few seconds, in several ways
  • The App Launcher, Settings and the Android container are just three of them.
  • What are the steps to follow, in each case, to remove these programs?

Despite the fact that it has some undoubted advantages over others, the Chrome OS operating system remains unknown to many users who have not yet decided on it or who, even having done so, still do not know how to execute some of the basic actions that we usually do on our portable devices. Then, we explain how uninstall apps on Chromebook not one, but three ways.

In principle, one of the benefits of Chrome OS compared to its main rivals, MacOS and Windows, is that we don’t need too much space to install programs, since they are developed to be lightweight. However, it is true that having apps installed that you do not use is not good news for your computer.

Therefore, our recommendation in this regard is that you get rid of the programs downloaded in Chrome OS, which you do not usually use regularly since, In case you need them again, you will always be able to download them.

If you wonder about the reasons for removing apps, among the answers we can mention that space is freed up, more resources are available for other tasks, and a much more fluid experience is obtained in general.

How to uninstall applications in Chrome OS step by step?

As we said before, there are several ways in which we can uninstall applications on Chromebook laptops, regardless of the manufacturer that produced them, because the important thing here is the operating system.

All these ways to get rid of programs on Chrome OS should work every time you trybut if for some reason they did not, you can resort to others until you find out the reason for the problem.

From the App Launcher

For most users who have a few months or even years with Chrome OS, the most direct method thinking of removing any installed software is what is known as application launcher.

  • Open the Application Launcher from the bottom left corner of the screen
  • Right-click on the application you want to remove, and click Uninstall

Immediately afterwards, a message will appear on the screen asking you if you will delete the browsing and user data. When you want them to be removed, also activate the corresponding checkbox and click on Uninstall.

Once you confirm the deletion of the app, with or without the data, it will disappear from the device in seconds. You can quickly delete any application that you think you won’t need, at least in the short term.

From Settings

Beyond the App Launcher, which is the technique we recommend for its ease, you may want to discover some other mechanisms to uninstall programs in Chrome OSAnd here’s another one of them. Consists in do it from Settings, as in Windows we do it from the Control Panel.

The interesting thing about this option is that you will be able to view the complete list of applications installed on your Chromebook, which could give you a better idea of ​​how many programs you have and whether or not it is essential to remove any.

  • Open Quick Settings from the bottom right corner of the screen by tapping on the gear icon
  • Once in the Settings go to Applications, in the left sidebar, and Manage your applications
  • You will find the list of all the apps, both web and Android. Click on the one you are going to delete
  • Click on Uninstall in the right corner of the application information

As in the previous case, in no more than a few seconds there will be no traces of the program on your device.

From the Android container

Finally, in the event that you do not like the two alternatives already mentioned, the Android container remains. You probably didn’t know about him, and that’s because is hidden in the Chrome OS Settings app. Likewise, it will take almost no time to open it and be able to delete applications through this secondary route.

  • Open Quick Settings from the bottom right corner of the screen by tapping on the gear icon
  • Once in Settings go to Applications, in the left sidebar, but then to Google Play Store
  • Go to Manage Android preferences, and in the Android type menu, to Applications and notifications
  • In See all applications, the total number of them will appear, so that you can select and delete them
  • All you have to do is click on the app to remove and confirm with Uninstall

Which of these ways to uninstall apps on Chromebook is your favorite? Do you know any other?

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