Windows 11 gives us the possibility of use virtual desktops to have different workspaces. Thanks to the Task View button, we can switch between them quickly; In this way, we make our work space more organized and become more productive.

How to create and use virtual desktops in Windows 11

Task view.

To start we will have to click on the Task View button on the taskbar, it is an icon that looks like a square superimposed on another. Additionally, Task View can be accessed with the keyboard shortcut Windows + Tab.

In case we do not see the Task View button on the taskbar, we will have to right click on the taskbar and choose “Taskbar Settings” and then toggle the switch next to “Task View” to that it is activated.

Once we have the Task View, we can see a screen that shows all the application windows that are open in an area near the top. We can also see several thumbnails of virtual desktops at the bottom of the screen.

Create a new virtual desktop.

This part is very simple, to add a new virtual desktop, we will simply click on the “New desktop” button, it would be the white square that is at the bottom and has a “+” sign. We can also press Windows + Ctrl + D.

Work with different virtual desktops.

A new desktop will then appear. In order to work on this, we will simply have to click on the thumbnail in the Task View and we will be taken to it.

This new virtual desktop will work in the same way as the desktop we use by default. We can switch between desktops through the “Task View” whenever we want.

You can also drag applications between virtual desktops in Task View by clicking and dragging an application window thumbnail to the virtual desktop thumbnail at the bottom.

How to delete a virtual desktop

Delete a virtual desktop in Windows 11.

In case we want to delete a virtual desktop in Windows 11, the first thing we will have to do is open the Task View by clicking on the icon in the taskbar. In the lower part we will pass the cursor over the virtual desktop that we want to eliminate and we will be able to see that an “X” appears in the upper right part of it. Simply, we will click on the “X” and the virtual desktop will be eliminated.

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