The notifications of the application of mail electronic they do not work in windows? Quite a few users have complained that they do not receive notifications of new messages in their emails, even after enabling the notification settings. In this article we will see how to solve this problem in a matter of a few minutes.

Mail app notifications not working on Windows

Check the notification settings of the app

Email notifications don't work on Windows

We have to start with the simplest and that would be to review the configuration that the email application has. It is possible that these applications are disabled, so we will not receive any kind of notification. In order to review it we will have to do the following:

  • The first thing we will do is open the mail application and we will click on the Settings icon, which is shaped like a gear and is located at the bottom.
  • Next, on the right side we will be able to see several options, the one that interests us is the one that says Notifications.
  • Now we will have to make sure that the option Show notifications in the action center is activated.
  • After this we will have to check the other option called Show a notification banner.
  • Additionally, if we want a sound to be played when a notification arrives, we will activate the box that says Play sound.

Once we have finished configuring the options mentioned above, we are going to have to check if the problem persists.

Check and configure mailbox sync settings

Check synchronization settings.

It is also possible that we do not receive email notifications or that they take too long to arrive because we have a problem synchronizing with the mailbox. The configuration that we will modify next, is used to specify how often the application will download new content from the server.

  • We open the mail application and we are going to click on the configuration icon.
  • Next, we are going to have to click on Manage accounts and then we are going to choose the email account that we want to manage.
  • Here we will click on the option that says Change mailbox synchronization settings.
  • We will have to choose the option as items arrive in the Download new content option.
  • After this we will have to check that the options Email, Calendar and contacts are activated.

To finish, we will press Done and verify if the notifications work properly.

Enable email notifications in Windows settings

Turn on email notifications in Windows to make them work.

Something else we can do to ensure that email notifications reach us is to verify that they are enabled in Windows Settings. It may be that they were deactivated by mistake or intentionally a long time ago and we forgot to activate them again, what we will have to do is the following:

  • We open System Configuration by pressing Windows + i.
  • Now we are going to have to go to System> Notifications.
  • We will have to verify that the Notifications switch is activated.
  • We scroll down and we are going to have to verify if the notification option associated with the app is enabled. In case it is not activated, we will proceed to do it.

Allow app to run in the background

Fix: Email notifications not working on Windows

If the email application is not running in the background, we will not receive notifications. By default, the operating system is set to optimize and save power, so unused apps won’t run in the background. This is something we can modify without much trouble.

  • The first thing we will do is open the System Configuration by pressing Windows + i and we will go to the Applications> Installed applications section.
  • After this, we will have to scroll down to the Mail and calendar app, and we will click on the three-point menu.
  • In the drop-down menu we will choose Advanced Options.
  • Here we will have to go to the Permissions section of the background application.
  • We will set Allow this app to run in the background to Always.

Remove and add email account again

Add the email account again.

From time to time it can happen that we have some kind of problem with the account itself and we find that the email notifications do not work. So we will have to try to remove the account and add it again.

  • The first thing we will do is open Mail and click on Settings at the bottom.
  • From here, we are going to go to Manage accounts and then we are going to click on Remove account from this device.
  • What we will do now is click on Delete to confirm the deletion of the account.
  • After doing this, we are going to proceed to add the account again.

Disable focus assist that prevents mail notifications from not working

Focus mode.

Focus Assist or focus assistance is a Windows function that allows us to deactivate notifications and other issues of the operating system to avoid distracting ourselves and work more productively. Many of you will already be used to this feature since it is also possible to set the focus mode in Android.

Obviously, if the function is activated, we will not receive any kind of notification. So let’s proceed to disable this.

  • We start by opening Settings and head over to System > Focus.
  • Next, we are going to click on Stop focus session.
  • After doing this, we will have to check if we receive email notifications.

Make sure Do Not Disturb is turned off

Turn off do not disturb.

In case of having the Do Not Disturb function enabled, we will also have problems with notifications. So we are going to have to check if this function is enabled in the system.

For this we are going to go to Settings> System> Notifications. Here we are going to make sure that the switch associated with the Do Not Disturb option is disabled.

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