• Locking the tabs in the Safari browser with Face ID or password on iPhone, so that no one else can see them, is one of the main novelties introduced by Apple with iOS 17
  • What are the steps to follow to activate and use this privacy and security solution?

Privacy and security are two of the issues that most concern users, for a few years. Apple knows this perfectly. For this reason, at the time it launched a facial recognition system that continues to be a pioneer today. And the most interesting thing is that it continues to expand its possibilities. For these weeks we witnessed one of its recent improvements. And since it is one of the main novelties introduced with iOS 17, we show you how you can lock tabs in Safari with Face ID so no one but you can see them.

Recall that with iOS 16, the Californian presented a way to block the hidden album in the Photos application. But now, and seeing the positive repercussions of that decision, they have decided to go a little further still. Together with the latest operating system update, they allow us to lock private Safari tabs with Face ID or password. It’s for us, one of the features more interesting introduced by those of Cupertino.

Some of you will probably know that the Chrome browser already had this function, anticipating the official Apple browser for their computers. But if you are one of those who use Safari on a day-to-day basis, you will want to know how to activate and use this solution. The steps are quite easy, and you will no longer have to manually unlock them.

How to enable locked private browsing in Safari?

Before we go into the details, don’t forget that iOS 17 is currently in the Developer Beta phase. This means that it might be unstable or have some performance issues that affect your experience. Surely, as in every iOS update, failures or errors will be corrected with the days

Then make sure that your iPhone is running iOS 17 and do the following:

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and tap on Safari
  3. Under Privacy and security, enable Require Face ID to unlock private browsing
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If you don’t have Face ID set up, it will say Require password to unlock private browsing. Previously you have to configure Face ID if you are going to unlock private browsing in that way and then repeat the steps.

How to unlock private Safari tabs with Face ID

  1. Open Safari and tap on Private
  2. You will see a screen that says private browsing is blocked
  3. Press the Unlock option
  4. iOS will show Face ID scanner on screen
  5. Once Face ID is authenticated, you will be able to browse open private tabs or open a new one
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Keep in mind that when your iPhone screen goes dark, the Face ID system will once again lock those private tabs. When you turn it back on, you will again have to unlock it by zooming in on your face.

Other frequently asked questions

Can I lock private tabs on my iPhone?

Yes, with iOS 17, you can now lock private tabs on your iPhone with Face ID or password. Whatever you want.

Does my iPhone support Face ID for Safari private browsing?

If your iPhone is compatible with iOS, then it will have support for private browsing with Face ID in Safari. As reference, all iPhone XR and models that arrived later can use this function.

How do I lock private tabs in Safari?

Go to Settings, Safari, Require Face ID to unlock private browsing.

How to put a password in private browsing on iPhone?

If you want Safari’s private tabs to open only when you enter your passcode or Face ID, go directly to Settings, Safari, and enable Require passcode to unlock private browsing.

Have you opted to lock tabs in Safari with Face ID? What do you think of this iPhone privacy alternative?

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