The solution to the annoying error “Your Pc I dont know beginning correctly”It is not just one, it can be several. The main problem is to identify what is causing the error. That is why we are going to give you several practical solutions so that you can repair the Windows startup.

How to fix “Your PC did not start correctly” error

Automatic repair to fix the error PC did not start correctly.

In Windows we have a built-in tool called “Startup Repair” or “Startup Repair” that tries to diagnose and repair any problem with our computer. What we will have to do is go to Troubleshoot> Advanced Options> Startup Repair.

We will have to log in with our user account and let the process complete. Once completed we will simply have to restart the computer and now we will have to verify if we can start Windows.

Repair MBR boot record

MBR or Master Boot Record is the first sector of our hard disk. This helps determine where the operating system is located so that it can boot into random access memory (RAM). If the MBR is damaged, the PC will not start correctly.

In order to solve it, we will have to press “Windows” and open Command Prompt by typing “cmd” without the quotes. Then we copy and paste the following code: chkdsk / r

If this does not fix the error, then we try it with this code: bootrec / rebuildbcd bootrec / fixmbr bootrec / fixboot

Repair boot configuration data

In Windows, BCD stands for Boot Configuration Data. It is the information on which the Windows Runtime environment relies to make the OS boot loader understand where to look for the boot information.

One option to solve this problem is to repair the system BCD, it may happen that one or more files get damaged. To repair BCD we will have to open Command Prompt. Press the “Windows” key and write “Command Prompt” or “cmd” without quotes.

Next, we will have to copy and paste the following command: bootrec / rebuildbcd

If the command identifies one or more Windows installations, we will have to press Y or A to add them to the startup list. Then we will have to copy and paste the following command: bcdedit / export c: bcdbackup attrib c: bootbcd -h -r -s ren c: bootbcd bcd.old bootrec / rebuildbcd

Start in safe mode

Safe boot mode.

Another option is to start in safe mode, it would be like starting it in a limited state. It is ideal to be able to recover certain data and make a backup copy. We can transfer all that important data to a USB drive, for example. Also, booting into safe mode can fix your PC didn’t start properly error.

Do a system restore

System Restore to Fix PC Won't Start Problem

This more than anything we must do when we have made a change in the system recently, as it can cause these errors. If we are not sure of the changes we have made, then we can return the operating system to the time it was working correctly, all thanks to System Restore. One of the most important tools in Windows.

The only problem is that we can only use system restore if a restore point was previously created. If we have it enabled, we can restore Windows to a point where it worked without problems, before installing a driver or updating the operating system.

Check for missing or corrupted system files

Command Prompt.

Another possibility that affects Windows startup is missing or corrupted files. We can fix this problem with the system file checker. The SFC tool will scan the computer for these files.

In case they are missing, it will be responsible for adding them and if they are damaged, replace them with a stable copy that the DISM tool downloads.

Update or remove Windows updates

Troubleshoot PC did not start correctly.

Another option is that some Windows update will throw the error. It may even be that an update helps us to repair it, it knows how to pass. If we cannot start Windows we will have to do it from safe mode.

In case the errors started after the update, we will have to uninstall them from Safe Mode. On the contrary, if we have not updated, we would have to do it from Windows Update.

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