• The process of uploading an app on the Play Store is not difficult, but it can have obstacles
  • What are those impediments and how to get rid of them with specific tools?

If you are developing an app for the Google store on Android devices, and you would like it to be extremely successful, following these tips to upload your application to the Play Store will make the general public notice it. Think that this operating system works in almost 200 countries and that it is predominant in practically all of them.

Currently, the Google Play Store is home to more than three million applications, and is considered the most important app store that exists by amount of content, a key space to publicize your work.

Unfortunately, some developers run into problems when publishing their applications. This relationship with the Play Store, which should be smooth, is not so smooth, and that is why we wanted to offer you a guide.

How to add an app to the Google Play Store?

Create a Google Developer Account

You can create a Google developer account using an existing Google account or by setting up a new one and, once you are logged in, you must proceed to accept the terms of use of the same. After 48 hours, you will receive a communication in which your new account is approved.

Link your Google merchant account

If you are going to make payments and/or purchases within the application, you will need a merchant account, of course. thanks to this account you will be able to do a detailed follow-up of the sales obtained and other metrics.

Create your application and provide information

Go to your Google developer page and in Create application actually proceed to add your data. Then write all the information you consider essential: name, descriptions, etc..

Rating of the content(s)

It is imperative to pass a rating quiz to avoid being marked as an unrated app. Be sure to provide very specific answers about your application when answering this questionnaire. Automatically, when you press Calculate grade you will see which one is assigned to you. It ends with Apply Grade.

app price

Set a price for your app or, if you’d prefer it to be free, indicate it in this specific step.

Send the request to register your application

To submit your request, you must upload it in ABB or APK formats, and its weight cannot exceed 100 MB in size. Submit it in alpha, beta, or final mode for Google to review. In a week they will tell you when they are going to publish it.

Common problems when uploading apps to the Play Store

broken functionality

Google Play’s goal is to provide users with only the best products… and apps. They usually reject apps that have broken features that prevent them from taking full advantage of them.

Bugs and errors

A buggy app is a user’s nightmare, and Google tries to prevent it by blocking its publication. Constantly verify that your app does not have bugs or errors, or it is likely that said request will be rejected.


Uniqueness is the main criteria for app approval on the Google Play Store, and it consists of preventing two apps from having similar designs, codes and concepts because in most cases that is SPAM. As a consequence of this, you have to do everything in your power to develop a “unique” app.

Creation of unique applications

At this point, you may wonder how to upload an application to play store with the security of achieving that uniqueness.

As a developer, you know that it is not uncommon to borrow code from old programs that you authored. Those old codes save time, and time when resources are low is a precious commodity.

The drawback that arises is that Google can interpret this as an app that impersonates another. Immediately they are suspicious, their systems block the publication of the apps to protect the user.

The good news is that there are platforms that analyze the codes and change them to bypass these problems. App Refactoring is one of them, and a tool that all developers should incorporate on a daily basis.


You already know how to submit an application to the Google Play store and what is the basic information that they are going to ask you for. You are also aware of some of the common bugs or bugs, the ones that are most frequently reported.

Basically, if you are going to work on Google Play, you must remember the problem of “uniqueness” and the prohibitions associated with it, so it is worth trying to create unique apps, different from all.

If you want to create a unique code, how did you check there are tools that will help you in that sense. It will simplify your task by analyzing the code, comparing databases and giving you recommendations.

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