• There are not a few users who are not 100% satisfied with the general appearance of Windows 11
  • Most dissatisfied people miss the way functions and folders looked
  • What are the processes to follow so that, to the eye, Windows 11 looks the same as Windows 10?

Beyond the comparisons that we can make, we are aware that sooner or later we will have to update our PC. Nevertheless, If you have already updated to the latest version of Windows but you are not convinced, review these tricks to make Windows 11 look like Windows 10 by changing some details of its appearance.

The fact is that there are still many users who maintain Windows 10 on their computers, and although there are several causes for this, such as not complying with the requirements of installation, there are others who are not comfortable with the aesthetics of Windows 11, and believe that Microsoft’s modifications are not good.

As long as you are in this group, let us tell you that it is possible to actually run Windows 11, but making it look like Windows 10, applying certain tutorials so that your user experience inevitably reminds you of what you had in the previous version of the predominant system. in computers.

5 tricks to make Windows 11 look like Windows 10

Before we get into the tricks themselves, there are a couple of basic recommendations to achieve the desired effect. First of all, change your background, since it has a major importance in how you interact with your PC. Download and install Windows 10 background It is the initial step to think that you are using Windows 10.

On the other hand, if you do not want to go through the procedures that we are going to discuss below, there is another solution that involves installing a third-party application specially developed to transform Windows 11 into 10.

We can recommend several of them, but without a doubt one of the most interesting is called StartIsBack. available through this linkis an app that allows you to recover the appearance of Windows 8/10.

Having made these clarifications, now let’s go with these little tricks to dress your Windows 11 differently.

Move the taskbar

The Windows 11 taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen, in the center, while the Windows 10 taskbar starts from the left end.something that personally seems much more practical to me.

From Settings, Personalization, you can move the taskbar, aligning it to the left.

Windows 11 looks like 10 3

Change your file browser

File Explorer is one of the most classic sections of Windows, and another of the “modified”. Open the Run with Windows + R utility, type regedit and click OK, confirming by clicking Yes.

In the Registry editor, paste:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionShell Extensions

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see something called Shell Extensions, which you have to click on, hit New, and then select Key from the dropdown menu, renaming the new Locked key.

After completing that step, right-click on the right side of the interface, hover over New, specifically select String Value and assign the name {e2bf9676-5f8f-435c-97eb-11607a5bedf7}.

All that remains is a PC restart, for the tweaks to kick in in File Explorer.

Windows 11 looks like 10 4

Get back the Windows 10 context menu

Such is the controversy caused by the new Windows 11 context menu, that we even had to dedicate an article to recover the Windows 10 context menu, because they were mostly critical of this update.

Fortunately we have the opportunity to recover the Windows 10 context menu in a few steps, being one of the elements that we cannot ignore if we want Windows 11 to look like its predecessor.

Windows 11 looks like 10 5

Go back to the old Start menu

In the Registry editor, paste:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced

Press Enter and right-click on the right side of the interface, hover over New, specifically select DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it Start_ShowClassicMode.

Immediately go back into the Value box and change it to 1, hit OK and restart your PC. Automatically restart, you will see that the old Windows 10 menu is already in Windows 11.

Windows 11 look like 10 6

Remove annoying taskbar icons

Last but not least, from Settings, Personalization, you can get rid of those annoying taskbar icons that you don’t want to see because you didn’t have them in Windows 10.

Windows 11 look like 10 7

Windows 10 lives again on your PC

Even though Windows 10’s lifespan probably won’t go beyond the year 2025, you might feel like you’re living in Windows 11 again thanks to these simple tricks we’ve decided to share with our readers.

In just a few minutes, you’ll make Windows 11 look and feel like Windows 10, so You no longer have to be refusing to update as a result of an aesthetic that you do not like, but easily adapt it to you.

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