• The most common problem with Candy Crush Saga is that it doesn’t load at launch.
  • First we must find out what is happening to the game, ruling out explanations
  • What are the steps to follow to recover Candy Crush Saga or any other canceled game?

Despite the fact that its most glorious days are over, the truth is that many people continue to enjoy Candy Crush Saga on their computers. In general, this title does not suffer from major glitches or errors, but in case you are suffering from them We teach you what to do if Candy Crush Saga fails on your PC when trying to play at home. What are the potential causes of this and the steps to follow to access the game?


In general, the most common problem with Candy Crush Saga is that it doesn’t load on launch. Obviously, in iOS and Android there will be other solutions, but this time we want to focus specifically on what happens in Windows, where it seems that erratic behavior is more recurrent.

To avoid this behavior, we must first find out what is happening to the game, and the only way we can find out is to rule out some of the possible explanations for why it can’t run.

Candy Crush Saga does not load on PC, how to fix it?

If Candy Crush Saga crashes or has errors but you don’t know why, you need to follow these steps to find out. When you figure it out, you’ll probably understand why the title wasn’t able to run normally.

Run the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

Running the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter is key to getting a clear diagnosis of what’s going on and, at the same time, letting the operating system work on it.

For those of you who don’t remember, it’s a built-in Microsoft feature that automatically scans and fixes minor or major bugs that might be present in apps within the Microsoft Store.

  • Press Win + I keys to open Settings
  • Tap System, Troubleshoot, Other troubleshooters
  • Scroll down and click Run next to Windows Store Apps
Candy Crush Saga fail 2

If the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter finds something strange, it will immediately go to repair it so that the matter is fixed and you can be back to having fun on your PC in no time.

Repair or restart Candy Crush Saga

Repairing or restarting Candy Crush Saga is another option that we can trust in this situation.


  1. Press Win + I keys to open Settings
  2. Click on Apps, Apps and features
  3. Select Candy Crush Saga and press Advanced Options
  4. Scroll down and tap on Repair/Reset, in that order
Candy Crush Saga fail 3

That is to say, if repair doesn’t work at all, you should try your luck resetting the app.

Update the game to its latest version

In some cases, an outdated could be the cause of a game that does not respond as it should. Downloading the latest version of Candy Crush Saga may be the answer to the question of its malfunction.

Backup your game progress and reinstall it

If none of the previous recommendations succeeds, to recover Candy Crush Saga you must reinstall it. We must indicate that this is the last resort and that, if you do not want to lose all the progress achieved, you will first have to make a backup by associating your account with your Facebook profile or an email account.

Once you’ve completed backing up the game, uninstall and reinstall the game as usual. When the installation is complete, you will notice that you have lost some of the benefits of your progress, but you just have to go through the recovery process. Of course, there are other advantages that unfortunately are permanently lost because there are guards on each team.

Other frequently asked questions

How to get Candy Crush back when it won’t load?

To recover Candy Crush Saga by fixing the crash or error in question, the first step is to trust Windows, running the Windows Store Troubleshooter and/or updating the game to the latest version. Assuming that doesn’t help, there will be no way out but to backup and reinstall it.

Why are my games not loading on my PC?

In case this problem is extensive to other titles, remember that we already left you a complete guide on what to do when games do not load, in which you will find tricks to make them work again.

Have you managed to solve the problems of Candy Crush Saga with this step by step?

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