This post shows students and new users the steps to change the screen orientation when using Windows 11. By default, Windows can rotate the screen without additional software. If you have a screen that rotates, Windows can also automatically adjust the screen to the correct orientation.

Windows 11 supports different screen orientations. You can change the screen orientation to scenery, portrait, flipped landscape), or portrait (flipped) easily. For some tablets and mobile devices, this setting is automatic and the screen orientation changes when the device rotates.

There are also hotkeys that can rotate the screen as well, and if one of these hotkeys is accidentally pressed, users get confused when their screen is suddenly in landscape mode when it should be in portrait mode.

To start changing the Windows screen orientation, follow the steps below.

How to rotate the screen in Windows 11

As mentioned above, one can change their screen to landscape, portrait, landscape (flipped) or portrait (flipped) orientation in Windows 11 easily.

The steps below show you how.

Windows 11 has a centralized location for most of its settings. From system settings to creating new users and updating Windows, everything can be done from your System settings crystal.

To access the System Settings, you can use the Windows key + i shortcut or click Start ==> Settings as shown in the following picture:

windows 11 startup settings

Alternatively, you can use the search box on the taskbar and find Settings. Then select to open it.

The Windows settings panel should look similar to the image below. In Windows settings, click System, then select the Monitor tile on the right panel of the screen shown in the image below.

windows 11 screen

About him Monitor configuration panel, select the monitor whose orientation you want to change. If you have more than one display, select the correct one. (for example, screen 1, 2 3, etc.).

windows 11 selection screen

Then scroll down and under the Scale and layout, choose the screen orientation you want. Your options are: Scenery (default), Portrait, Scenery (turned around), or Portrait (turned around).

windows 11 change screen orientation

When you choose a screen orientation, you will be asked if you want to keep the new setting with 20 seconds to decide. If you do not decide within 20 seconds, the changes will revert to the previous state.

Windows 11 keeps these display settings

If the changes are correct, click the Keep changes to keep the new display settings.

How to change screen orientation with keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11

You can also change the screen orientation in Windows 11 using keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard shortcuts below will give you the same results as those described above.

  • Ctrl + Alt + up arrow = Rotate the screen orientation to landscape. (default)
  • Ctrl + Alt + down arrow = Rotate the screen orientation upside down.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow = Rotate the screen orientation 90 degrees clockwise.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow = Rotate the screen orientation 90 degrees counterclockwise.

You should do that!


In this tutorial we have seen how to change the screen or screen orientation in Windows 11. If you find any errors above or have something to add, use the comment form below.

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