On some occasions, when we want to install a Windows update, we find the error code 0x8024B102 a situation that can be very annoying, but that we are going to teach you to solve in a matter of a few minutes.

The error displays a message similar to this:


WuApplicabilityScan Failure Software Synchronization Windows Update Client failed to detect with error 0x8024b102

The hardware capacity metadata was either malformed or could not be parsed. “

Windows update error 0x8024B102

If we are forced to deal with this error, we will have no choice but to simply apply one of these methods that we will leave you a little below. There is no exact order in the way we will apply them. It is a matter of trying to find a possible solution. Unfortunately, it is the only way to achieve it.

Run DISM scan

The first thing we will have to do is open an elevated command prompt window. For this we simply click on “Start” and then write “CMD”, on the right side we click on “Run as administrator”.

Once the command prompt is open, we will have to add the command: DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth

Something we must bear in mind is that the process can take a long time, so we will have to have some patience. The command in question will replace the damaged or missing system files with ones that are in good condition.

However, in case the Windows Update client does not work, we will be prompted to use a running Windows installation as a repair source or to use a Windows parallel folder from a network share, as a file source .

So we are going to execute the following command: DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth / Source: C: RepairSource Windows / LimitAccess

In this command we will have to supplant C: RepairSource with the location of your repair source.

Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

The built-in Windows Update troubleshooter is capable of fixing more problems than you might think. Therefore, we should start with something simple by running it from Windows Settings. In this way, perhaps we can solve the error in a simple and automatic way.

Disconnect all external hardware and USB devices

Error 0x8024B102 is related to hardware, so we are going to proceed to disconnect all external hardware, including any USB device. Once done, we proceed with the update and check if the error has been solved.

Check your computer’s drivers

It is essential that all drivers are up to date. Being closely related to a hardware conflict, if we have the updated drivers, we can avoid this annoying problem.

Download the update from the Microsoft update catalog

Another interesting option is the possibility of manually downloading the Microsoft update catalog. We look for the update package that is not installed and then we run the independent installer to install said update on our computer.

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