This post shows students and new users the steps to add a pin or add more apps and recommended items to the Start menu in Windows 11. Microsoft’s recent build on the DEV channel comes with an option to get more Start menu Pins Windows 11.

The option is currently only available to computers enrolled in the Microsoft Insider Preview program. If you have a Windows 11 computer and you don’t see the option to pin more apps to the start menu or add more recommended items, you may not be enrolled in the Insider Preview DEV channel.

Once new features are introduced in the DEV channel, it doesn’t take long for it to be available in other builds as well, including beta, release candidate, and finally stable builds where it’s available to everyone.

Until then, you will have to wait for this feature to be available and ready to use.

How to add more apps to the start menu in Windows 11

As mentioned above, one can augment pinned items in the start menu in Windows 11 with recent builds. For now, it’s only available to devices enrolled in the Microsoft Insider Preview program.

Currently pinned and recommended sections are displayed in three rows. When you grow the apps section, a fourth row will be added, allowing you to pin more apps. Similarly, increasing the recommended section will add a fourth row.

Here is the default start menu in Windows 11.

Default boot menu

default start menu in updated Windows 11

To increase the section of the pinned app, right-click anywhere on the Start menu and then select Startup settings.

Alternatively, one can click on the Start Menu ==> Settings ==> Personalization ==> Start.

windows 11 customization and startup

In the Startup settings pane, under Layout, click More pins to increase the space available for anchored elements.

Once you do that, the Start menu should change to allow more pinned apps.

More pins

Windows 11 plus pinned app start menu

In the same Home settings panel, under Design, choose More Recommendations to increase the recommended items.

More Recommendations

Windows 11 plus updated recommendations

You should do that!


In this tutorial we have seen how to increase pinned applications or recommended item sections in the Start menu in Windows 11. If you find any errors above or have something to add, use the comment form below.

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