Thanks to the fact that Microsoft Teams is perfectly integrated into the new version of Microsoft’s OS, it is much easier to keep in touch with our friends and family. For this reason, we will see below, how use Teams Chat on Windows 11.

How to use Teams Chat Learn how to configure it!

Open Teams Chat.

The first thing we will have to do is click on the Chat icon on the taskbar (it looks like a purple circle with a camera inside). In case we don’t see it here, we will have to go to Settings> Personalization> Taskbar> Taskbar items and activate the “Chat” switch.

Get started with Teams Chat.

After clicking the Chat button, a small window will appear. We must have a Microsoft account in order to use the program. So we are going to have to click “Start” to start it.

After clicking on “Start” the Microsoft Teams application will open and we will see a small guide that will help us link a Microsoft account or create one if we do not have one.

Another thing that we must bear in mind is that it is necessary to link a mobile phone to Microsoft Teams in order to use it.

Sign in with Microsoft account.

In the configuration part, we will have the option to enter the name that we are going to use in Microsoft Teams. Once we are ready we will have to click on “Let’s go”.

Once these steps are completed, the session will be started and all we will have to do is enter Teams from the icon on the taskbar.

How to start a conversation in Microsoft Teams

In order to start a conversation in Teams Chats, we must start the application as we discussed above.

How to start a conversation in Teams Chats.

Now we will click on the “Chat” button and then we will be in the “New chat” window, we will click on the “To” box and we will have to enter the email, phone number or username of the person with the we want to chat. We must bear in mind that the person must have their Microsoft account linked to Teams for it to appear.

Find contact

If there is a match, then we will see it as a suggestion, we click on it and that’s it.

Write a message in Teams Chat

To start chatting, we will have to click on the text box that says “Write a new message” and we will have to write what we want. When we are ready to send the message, we simply hit “Enter” or click the send button in the lower right corner of the screen.

After sending the first message, we will see it on the right side of the window. The messages that others send us will appear on the left side.

When we finish chatting, all we have to do is close the window and that’s it. We can have the number of conversations we want and these will appear in a list when we click on the Chat icon on the taskbar.

We can also use audio calls and video calls. For this we will have to click on the icons that appear on the right side next to the name of the person in the list of conversations.

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