One of those new icons that we are going to find in the Windows 11 taskbar is he chat and it’s not too complicated to remove, for those people who bother them. It’s even feasible to remove the slider from it. We are going to show you how next.

Delete chat from taskbar in Windows 11

In order to remove the chat from the taskbar in Windows 11 we will have to log in with an administrator account.

  • We will click on the start button and then we will write “CMD”. We will select the option on the right “Run as administrator”.
  • Now we are going to have to copy and paste the following code in the window that opens:

> nul 2> & 1 REG ADD “HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Advanced” / f / v TaskbarMn / t REG_DWORD / d 0

  • Once we have pasted the code we press “Enter”.

In this simple way we have hidden the view button from the taskbar, it will be deactivated and will not disturb.

How to hide the chat slider in Windows 11

With the command window open (as we did in the previous step) we will have to copy and paste the following code:

> nul 2> & 1 REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows Windows Chat” / f / v ChatIcon / t REG_DWORD / d 3

This way we can say goodbye to the chat slider, it will no longer be a hassle.

Enable chat and slider button

In case we want to get the slider back, then what we will have to do is change the value at the end of the command from 0 to 1 and from 3 to 2, respectively.

How to hide the widget slider

In order to do this, we will have to run the command prompt (CMD) window again as we mentioned a little above. Next, we will have to copy and paste each of these codes, then press “Enter”. It is very important that you do it one at a time.

> nul 2> & 1 REG ADD “HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer Advanced” / f / v TaskbarDa / t REG_DWORD / d 0

> nul 2> & 1 REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Dsh” / f / v AllowNewsAndInterests / t REG_DWORD / d 0

> nul 2> & 1 REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows Windows Feeds” / f / v EnableFeeds / t REG_DWORD / d 0

> nul powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command «Get-AppxPackage -Name * WebExperience * | Foreach {Remove-AppxPackage $ _. PackageFullName} »

> nul powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -command «Get-ProvisionedAppxPackage -Online | Where-Object {$ _. PackageName -match ‘WebExperience’} | ForEach-Object {Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage -Online -PackageName $ _. PackageName} »

In this way we have already managed to hide the widget slider from the Windows 11 taskbar.

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